Review of DETA Criteria for Hearing Impairment
education adjustment program Department of Education, Training and the Arts Key issues for the Review in HI Aligning DETA definitions and criteria with national and international standards Examining the links between the hearing impairment and the activity limitations/ participation restrictions for different degrees of hearing loss Evaluating the effectiveness of the verification form introduced in July 2006 Identifying when a review of verification is appropriate Investigating ways to better identify and support students in schools with high incidence of Otitis Media 2
education adjustment program Department of Education, Training and the Arts Definitions of HI: International and National Criteria The range of normal hearing is 0-20dB (WHO, AH) Research - effects of mild hearing loss Research – effects of classroom acoustics
education adjustment program Department of Education, Training and the Arts New Criteria (from November ) Criterion 1 Evidence of a hearing loss greater than 20dB at any one frequency in either ear Audiogram and written report from an audiologist or otolaryngologist The most current audiogram accepted for permanent Hearing Loss Fluctuating conductive (‘temporary’) hearing loss – audiogram within previous 12 months and history of persistent hearing loss 4
education adjustment program Department of Education, Training and the Arts New Criteria (from November ) Criterion 2 The hearing loss must be shown to manifest itself in activity limitation and participation restriction in the school context
Hearing Impairment - Activity Limitation / Participation Restriction in the school context
education adjustment program Department of Education, Training and the Arts ICF Activity (Limitation) and Participation (Restriction) Domains: 1. Learning and applying knowledge 2. General tasks and demands 3. Communication 4. Mobility 5. Self care 6. Domestic life 7. Interpersonal interactions and relationships 8. Major life areas 9. Community, social and civic life 7
education adjustment program Department of Education, Training and the Arts Possible Activity Limitation and Participation Restriction due to HI: Some ICF Examples Difficulty with: Learning through listening (d115) Receiving spoken messages (d310) Engaging effectively in conversation (d350) With one person (d3503) With many people(d3504) Engaging in discussion (d355) Remunerative employment (d850) Engaging in some forms of recreation and leisure (d920) 8 GREAT INDIVIDUAL VARIATION: hearing impairment, environmental and personal factors
education adjustment program Department of Education, Training and the Arts Hearing Impairment, Activity Limitation and Participation Restriction: Classroom examples Difficulty with: Attending/ tuning in to what is going on Accessing spoken information - teachers & other students Taking part in discussions Accessing audio, TV, videos etc Listening for long periods – fatigue factors Learning information incidentally Responding quickly to questions or commands Making sense of new information Learning new vocabulary and using words appropriately National Deaf Children’s Society – Deaf Friendly Classrooms Project 9
education adjustment program Department of Education, Training and the Arts Hearing Impairment, Activity Limitation and Participation Restriction: Social examples Difficulty with: Learning social behaviour incidentally Communicating effectively with others Initiating conversations Using appropriate language when interacting with others Being fully included in large groups Expressing feelings and emotions verbally Developing confidence and a positive self image National Deaf Children’s Society – Deaf Friendly Classrooms Project 10
education adjustment program Department of Education, Training and the Arts Activity Limitation and Participation Restriction: Degrees of Hearing Impairment The review focused on current evidence relating to: –Mild hearing loss, including CHL due to otitis media –Unilateral hearing loss Variable impact of mild and unilateral hearing loss: physical environment (eg noise, distance, reverberation, lighting) communication factors (eg size of group, demands of the activity) personal factors (eg coping strategies, fatigue levels) Inside a classroom a mild hearing loss can be disabling Outside school context mild or moderate hearing loss may be an impairment but not a disability 11
The Verification Form: Hearing Impairment
education adjustment program Department of Education, Training and the Arts Verification Form: The HI verification form trialled in July 2006 has been accepted with only a few modifications Scaffolds best practice Encourages communication between schools and the AVT: HI Enhances links between the impairment, effects and appropriate educational adjustments 13
education adjustment program Department of Education, Training and the Arts Information about the hearing impairment Specialist teacher report: Degree and type of hearing loss Age of onset – pre or post-lingual Age of diagnosis and history Associated medical conditions Other impairments Consistent use of amplification or cochlear implant Auditory skills Communication mode and competence Speech and language development completed by a teacher with recognised qualifications in the area of hearing impairment 14
education adjustment program Department of Education, Training and the Arts Reporting on activity limitation and participation restriction for HI verification Describe how the student’s hearing impairment affects their ability to access, participate and demonstrate what they know and can do to achieve positive outcomes Focus areas of the EAP are used: Curriculum (including disability specific curriculum) Communication Social participation/ emotional well being (including behaviour) Health and personal care Safety Learning access and the environment The school team comments on the activity limitations and participation restrictions resulting from the hearing loss using information obtained from discussions with the parent and teacher of the deaf 15
education adjustment program Department of Education, Training and the Arts Reporting on activity limitation and participation restriction Consider the primary impairment: Direct impact of hearing impairment – participation in classroom activities, access to the spoken language and the curriculum, communication restrictions Consider any secondary impairment: Speech and language impairment occurring as a result of hearing impairment Associated learning and other difficulties Social or emotional difficulties ‘ Impairments may result in other impairments' - ICF 16
education adjustment program Department of Education, Training and the Arts Hearing in the classroom Detection *Noise and Discrimination Reverberation Identification Comprehension *Distance Attention *Direction Effort/ fatigue *Group size Speaker variables Technology, media 17 sounds syllables words phrases messages
education adjustment program Department of Education, Training and the Arts The (hearing impaired) student may not know that s/he has not heard or misheard: may not be able to hear enough to make sense of what is said may think they have understood fully and not realise that they have missed out on important information may misunderstand what is said or written You don’t always know what you don’t know 18
education adjustment program Department of Education, Training and the Arts 19 It is not always possible to observe when a student has not heard or has misheard in the classroom
Verification Reviews and Removal from Category
education adjustment program Department of Education, Training and the Arts Review of HI Verification No mandatory review for permanent hearing losses Review required for: mild hearing loss fluctuating conductive hearing loss permanent conductive hearing loss where medical intervention occurs Review and date of review determined by the verifier Removal from HI category 21
Identification of students with hearing impairment in school communities with a high incidence of CHL: OM
education adjustment program Department of Education, Training and the Arts Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles –Second level Third level –Fourth level »Fifth level 23 education adjustment program Department of Education, Training and the Arts Identification and Support for students in schools with High Incidence of Otitis Media Current external verification process not appropriate for identifying high incidences of CHL:OM in indigenous populations –Problems collecting information to fit verification criteria –Under- reporti ng of CHL:OM through verification process compared with prevalence (1.46% of indigenous students verified HI) –Verification is suited to low incidence disability –Resource intensive –Match identification and support: The Whole School Approach 23
education adjustment program Department of Education, Training and the Arts Verification Review Recommendations: Conductive Hearing Loss: Otitis Media Students in school communities with a high incidence of CHL: OM: That DETA investigate methods of identification for whole schools with high incidences of CHL: OM, rather than individually identifying and supporting students through the EAP process. This process would be developed in consultation with local communities with the aim of becoming an integrated identification and service delivery model, to be implemented within a cost- neutral framework. Students with CHL: OM experiencing educational impact requiring individual support and intervention greater than the general school population to be submitted for verification on an individual basis. Students with a hearing impairment not identified as CHL: OM to be submitted to verification on an individual basis even though they are attending an identified school with a high incidence of CHL: OM 24
education adjustment program Department of Education, Training and the Arts Contact Details For HI specific verification questions –Ph: (Monday, Tuesday, Friday) For general verification questions –Ph: (Jeannie Grace) –Fax: EAP Verification Team 141 Merton Rd WOOLLOONGABBA Q 4102