An Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communications
Defining IMC IMC is a strategic business process used to plan, develop, execute and evaluate coordinated, measurable, persuasive brand communication programmes with consumers, customers, prospects employees and other relevant external and internal audiences. The goal of IMC is to generate short-term financial returns and build long-term brand value.
Integrated Marketing Communications A marketing communications planning concept that recognises the value of a comprehensive plan. A plan that evaluates the strategic roles of several communications disciplines: Media advertising Direct marketing Interactive/internet marketing Sales promotion Publicity/Public relations Combines the disciplines to provide: Clarity Consistency Maximum communications impact
Point of purchase Publicity Public relations Direct marketing Interactive marketing Special events Packaging Sales promotion Direct response Traditional Approach to Marketing Communications Media Adver- tising © 2007 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., McGraw-Hill/Irwin
Contemporary IMC Approach Point of purchase Publicity Interactive marketing Public relations Direct marketing Special events Packaging Sales promotion Direct response Media Adver- tising © 2007 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., McGraw-Hill/Irwin
The Marketing & Promotional Mixes Marketing Mix: Product or Service Pricing Channels of Distribution Promotion Promotional Mix: Advertising Direct Marketing Interactive/internet marketing Sales Promotion Publicity/Public Relations Personal Selling
Corporate Level Message Sources Administration Manufacturing/ Marketing Finance Human Legal Operations Resources Cross-Functional Brand Equity (IM) Team Marketing Level Message Sources Product Price Marketing Distribution Mix Mix Communication Mix Cross-Functional IMC Team Marketing Communication Level Message Sources Personal Adver- Sales Direct Public Pack- Events Sales tising Promotion Marketing Relations aging Interactivity Other Stakeholders Employees Investors Financial Community Government Regulators Customers Distributors Suppliers Competition Consumers Local Community Media Interest Groups Communication-Based Marketing Model
Communication Levels Corporate Level Messages sent by a company’s overall business practices and philosophies such as mission, labour practices, philanthropies, culture and other processes Marketing Level Messages sent by or inferred from by various aspects of marketing mix such as product performance, design, appearance, pricing and distribution Marketing Communication Level Strategic and executional consistency among all forms of marketing communication
Traditional compensation Performance-based compensation Traditional compensation Performance-based compensation Media advertising Multiple forms of communication Mass media Specialized media Manufacturer dominance Retailer dominance General focus Data-based marketing Low agency accountability Greater agency accountability Limited Internet availability Widespread Internet availability Media advertising Multiple forms of communication Mass media Specialized media Manufacturer dominance Retailer dominance General focus Data-based marketing Low agency accountability Greater agency accountability Reasons for the Growing Importance of IMC FromToward © 2007 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., McGraw-Hill/Irwin
IMC and Branding Brand Identity is a combination of factors: Name, logo, symbols, design, packaging, product or service performance, and image or associations in the consumer’s mind. IMC plays a major role in the process of developing and sustaining brand identity and equity.
Coca Cola Demonstrates IMC
Bus shelter advert
Coca Cola Demonstrates IMC Internet banner
Integrated Marketing Communications Planning Model Promotional programme situation analysis Analysis of the communications process Budget determination Develop integrated marketing communications programmes Review of marketing plan Advertising Sales promotion PR/ publicity Personal selling Direct marketing Advertising objectives Sales promotion objectives PR/ publicity objectives Personal selling objectives Direct marketing objectives Message strategy Sales promotion strategy PR/ publicity strategy Personal selling strategy Direct marketing strategy Integrate and implement marketing communications strategies Monitor, evaluate and control IMC Programme Internet/ interactive Internet/ interactive objectives Internet/ interactive strategy