By: Andrew Mickavicz (Fall of 2012)
Stem Cell Information: Statistical Data: Resources Used?
①Stem cells are a type of undifferentiated cell that eventually will differentiate into cell types that are needed by an individual undergoing a transplant. ②Stem cells come from two main sources, embryos and not so commonly known, adult tissue. ③The difference between embryonic and adult stem cells is that embryonic stem cells can differentiate into more types of cells than an adult stem cell can. Introduction: What are Stem Cells?
① Embryonic stem cells come from an embryo that is a blastocyst in the developmental stage, typically 4-5 days old. ② Embryos used are usually extras that have been created for in vitro fertilization, since only one is needed to start a pregnancy. ③ Stem cells from fetuses were once used, however, the U.S. government has banned any federal funding in which a human embryo may be harmed or destroyed. Embryonic Stem Cells
Adult Stem Cells ❶Adult stem cells are present in an individual's brain, bone marrow, liver, blood, muscles, and skin. ❷An adult's stem cells remain in a quiescent or "frozen" state until they are needed to differentiate into a specific cell type. ❸Interesting Fact: Adult stem cells divide indefinitely! An adult will always have stem cells in their body that are ready to specialize into needed cells, but they can not differentiate into any type of cell.
Video 1: An Introduction to Stem Cells Video 2: A More Detailed Introduction Video 3: Barack Obama Discusses Stem Cells (2008)
Here Comes The Statistics! Here Comes the Statistics! Here Comes the Statistics
Researchers Total: 7251
Public opinion is in favor of stem cell research and development at this time. Stem cells are accepted more today than they have been in the past.
Therapies where Children use their own Core Blood Stem Cells (US) Cerebral Palsy2.40% Neonatal Oxygen Deprivation0.20% Autism11.30% Type 1 Diabetes0.17% Therapies where Children use Donated Core Blood Stem Cells (US) DiseasePercentage Cerebral Palsy2.40% Cartilage Repair17.50% Limb Ischemia0.25% Type 1 Diabetes0.17%
Age (Years)Odds of Transplant 10 Years Old0.04% 20 years Old0.06% 30 years Old0.09% 40 years Old0.15% 50 years Old0.23% 60 Years Old0.36% 70 Years Old0.46% This table shows the increase in percentage of needing a stem cell transplant as one’s age increases. Example Diseases that can be Treated with Stem Cells Odds of having disesase Leukemia12.5 of 100,000 non-Hodgkin Lymphoma19.8 of 100,000 Hodgkin Lymphoma2.8 of 100,000 MDS4.4 of 100,000 Myeloma5.7 of 100,000 This table gives example diseases that can be treated with stem cells, and the odds of actually suffering from the disease.
It’s estimated that 2/3 of Americans are against human cloning, but they do support research in treatments and cures for diseases with the help of stem cells. The main reason why someone may be against cloning is either due to religious reasons, or even because it conflicts with their personal beliefs.
About ¾ of Americans would like to see their tax dollars be used towards stem cell research, indicating a majority belief of yes, the government should encourage stem cell research and development.
The odds of getting these diseases are shown as the percentages above. These diseases can be treated with a child’s own stem cells.
The percentages above reflect the odds of this type of procedure or disease affecting a child. With these procedures or diseases, they can be treated with stem cells.
①ISCO is a biotechnology company which develops therapeutic products and conducts independent studieson stem cells and their potential in treating and curing diseases. ②The next slide is a graph of the volume of shares that currently make up the company and its shareholders. These shares are constantly traded. ③The slide after the ISCO graph is the statistical data of ISCO stock (August 2 nd, 2012 – November 2 nd, 2012). International Stem Cell Organization (ISCO)
International Stem Cell Organization Stock based upon 3 Months of Data DateVolumeOpenHighLowClose/Last 8/2/201218, /3/201281, /6/201252, /7/201263, /8/201267, /9/ , /10/ , /13/ , /14/201245, /15/201234, /16/201229, /17/ , /20/201295, /21/ , /22/ , /23/ , /24/ , /27/201262, /28/201236, /29/ , /30/ , /31/ , /4/ , /5/ , /6/ , /7/ , /10/201286, /11/201266, /12/ , /13/ , /14/ , /17/ , /18/201272, /19/ , /20/ , /21/201257, /24/ , /25/ , /26/201247, /27/201284, /28/201210, /1/201266, /2/20122, /3/201295, /4/201282, /5/ , /8/ , /9/201290, /10/201225, /11/201284, /12/201256, /15/201244, /16/201284, /17/201296, /18/ , /19/201252, /22/201239, /23/ , /24/ , /25/201267, /26/ , /31/201261, /1/201269, /2/ ,
As time advances onward, the idea of using stem cells in modern medicine is growing. Stem cells have many beneficial uses. One day, they may even be implemented in cancer treatments! Embryonic stem cell usage may be controversial to some, but adult stem cells (despite lacking in performance compared to embryonic) is generally accepted. Statistical data of stem cells has been provided. It is now your choice to agree or disagree with stem cell research and treatments. Final Thoughts