Nervous System PNS
MUSCLETurns EYE… Conrolled by… 1. SUPERIOR RECTUS Superiorly (up) III Oculomotor 2. INFERIOR RECTUS Inferiorly (down) III 3. LATERAL RECTUS Laterally (to side) VI Abducens 4. MEDIAL RECTUS Medially (towards center) III 5. SUPERIOR OBLIQUE Inferiorly & laterally IV Trochlear 6. INFERIOR OBLIQUE Superiorly & laterally III
Eye partClass NotesTextbook Notes 1. Sclera The “white” of eye 2. Cornea Most anterior part of the sclera – your “window” to the world 3. Lens Refracts light 4. Iris Pigmented “diaphragm” of eye 5. Ciliary body Contains muscle that controls the shape of the lens 6. Ciliary zonule Attaches the lens to the ciliary body 7. Aqueous humor Fluid in the anterior segment that provides nutrients to the lens and cornea See pages
Eye PartClass NotesTextbook Notes 8. Vitreous humor Gel-like substance that helps reinforce the eyeball 9. Cones & Rods Photoreceptor cells in the retina; CONES = daylight & color / RODS = dim light 10. Retina Layer containing the rods & cones at the back of the eye 11. Choroid Nutritive (vascular) layer of the eye 12. Fovea centralis Area of acute vision; a dimple in the retina where cones are concentrated 13. Optic disk “BLIND SPOT” ; Area of retina that lacks photoreceptors 14. Canal of Schlemm Drains the aqueous humor of the eye See pages
LEFT page DRAW Figure 15.6: The lacrimal apparatus Label the following parts: Eyebrow Eyelid Lacrimal gland Lacrimal canal Lacrimal sac *Use arrows to show direction of lacrimal fluid flow. RIGHT page Take NOTES on the following accessory structures of the eye: 1.Eyebrow 2.Eyelid 3.Conjunctiva 4.Lacrimal Apparatus