The Civil War: Soldiers and Civilians What did you learn about the American Civil War during your visit to Drayton Hall?
Introduction for 100 BACK Where were the first shots of the Civil War fired? Answer: Fort Sumter in the Charleston Harbor
Introduction for 200 BACK What year did the Civil War start and how long did it last? Answer: years
Introductio2n for 300 BACK Who won the 1860 presidential election even though he was not on the ballot in ten of the Southern states? Answer: Abraham Lincoln
Introduction for 400 BACK The Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 granted freedom to whom? Answer: Slaves in the Confederate states
Introduction for 500 BACK South Carolina Senator John C. Calhoun believed that states should be able to nullify a federal law if they did not agree with it. What does nullify mean? Answer: To cancel or reverse
Uniforms for 100 BACK What was the official uniform color for the United States Army? Answer: blue
Uniforms for 200 BACK What was the material from which most uniforms were made? Answer: wool
Uniforms for 300 BACK What national symbol was on the buttons of the Union soldiers’ uniforms? Answer: an eagle
Uniforms for 400 BACK What did a soldier carry in his cartridge box? Answer: ammunition
Uniforms for 500 BACK Name a Civil War Battle that was fought in South Carolina. Answer: the Battle of Port Royal, the Battle of Fort Sumter, Battle of Secessionville, the Battle of Battery Wagner, etc.
Camp for 100 BACK What was a soldier’s main way of communicating with his family back home? Answer: writing letters
Camp for 200 BACK What is popular game that soldiers would play at the end of the day in camp? Answer: cards, checkers, dice, dominos
Camp for 300 BACK How did most soldiers travel during the Civil War? Answer: Walking/ by foot Harper’s Weekly, May 4, 1861
Camp for 400 BACK Name two things a soldier would carry with him to use at camp. Answer: Shelter, bed roll, gum blanket, food, utensils, etc.
Camp for 500 BACK What was the name for a group of five or more soldiers who shared a tent and made their meals together? Answer: a mess
Homefront for 100 BACK Who would be left on the home front while men went to war? Answer: Women, children, and the elderly
Homefront for 200 BACK Name some of the household goods that were very scarce during the war. Answer: Coffee, fabric, paper, food, etc.
Homefront for 300 BACK Who was the African-American woman who helped recruit black troops for the Union Army? Answer: Sojourner Truth
Homefront for 400 BACK What was the strategy used to prevent goods coming into Charleston that included General Winfield Scott’s Anaconda Plan. Answer: the Union Blockade
Homefront for 500 BACK What is the term for a person or group of people who are forced to leave their homes during a time of war. Answer: refugees
Technology for 100 BACK What was the name of the first submarine to sink an enemy ship, the USS Housatonic. Answer: the H.L. Hunley
Technology for 200 BACK What was used during the Civil War to quickly transport materials such as food, uniforms and ammunition? Answer: trains
Technology for 300 BACK What was the name given to the battleships used during the Civil War when technology advanced beyond wooden ships? Answer: ironclads
Technology for 400 BACK This African-American man successfully escaped from slavery on the CSS Planter, and surrendered the boat to Union troops. Answer: Robert Smalls
Technology for 500 BACK What was the quickest way to send a short message during the Civil War? BONUS QUESTION for 250*: Who is credited with inventing the code used for telegraph communication? Answer: By telegraph *Samuel Morse