Endangered Species BRAZIL
GOLDEN LION TAMARIN The golden lion tamarin reaches maturity at two years and can live (in captivity) 15 years. This primate species differs from the others by molars have two instead of three on each side of the upper jaw and with the exception of the thumb, having claws instead of nails. In 1975, the species was listed in Appendix I of CITES, category given to endangered species that may be or are being affected by trafficking.
JAGUAR The jaguar (Panther) is a feline family Felines. This animal is carnivorous, and is also called a jaguar (the name comes from the Guarani mythology). The jaguar reaches 2.10 meters long, weighs on average 150kg and its height is 90 cm. In captivity, they eat about 2.5 pounds of meat per day, but in freedom, as they spend more energy, eat much more. It is endangered because of your skin, prized by hunters for the production of the textile market.
LEATHERBACK TURTLE The leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) is the largest of all turtles, with an average size of around 2m long by 1.5m wide and 700 kg in weight, although it has been found a copy already considered the largest registered with 900 kg and 3 m in length. It has a black carapace, consisting of soft tissue. The shell does not bind to the plastron at an angle, as in other turtles, but in a gentle curve, giving the animal a semi-cylindrical appearance. Always lives at sea, approaching the coast only to spawn and feed preferentially on jellyfish and jellyfish. This animal has smell, hearing and vision very developed. They live mainly in the tropical waters off the coast. In Brazil, are mainly found in Recife - PE.
BLUE MACAW In wetland is increasingly difficult to find this beautiful bird of the genus psitacídeas which includes three species of macaw. The hyacinth macaw is the larger of its species can reach up to 1 meter. Its plumage is fairly uniform in tone sky blue, with beak bigger than the other, predominantly black and yellow detail on his jaw. Unfortunately all species of blue macaws are endangered in wetlands and in other regions of Brazil, hunting and unfair man- made devastation of native areas that are contributing to the coming years no longer has any of this beautiful macaw free in nature. Therefore if someday offer you a baby macaw for you to buy, remember that in few years it will no longer exist free in nature and take time to report these poachers IBAMA.
TOUCAN Are called toucan birds Ramphastidae family who live in the forests of Central America and South America still is an endangered species. Has been captured and trafficked to other countries to be sold in pet stores. This has as a consequence, the reduction of the population in forests, endangering the genetic variability, as well as the death of many animals during transport. There are migratory birds.
MANATEE Although manatees have few natural predators (sharks, crocodiles, alligators and killer whales), all three species of manatee are listed by the World Conservation Union as vulnerable to extinction. The current main threat to manatees in the United States is being collisions with boats or propellers. Sometimes manatees can survive these collisions, and more than fifty permanent deep scars have been observed in some manatees off the coast of Florida. However, the wounds are often fatal, and the lungs may even exit through the thoracic cavity. It is illegal under federal and Florida law to cause harm to manatees. Siltation of estuaries where the females give birth to pups is another reason for the threat of extinction of this species.
ANTEATER In Brazil, IBAMA considers as "Vulnerable", but their situation varies regionally, for example, in Rio Grande do Sul, where it is considered "Critically Endangered" and Santa Catarina is probably extinct. In more populated areas, in addition to habitat alteration, predation by domestic animals (such as dogs) and roadkill, are factors that cause a decrease in the abundance indices, as reported in towns in the state of São Paulo. Fires are also particularly problematic for the anteaters, even in preserved areas, whereas samples from dead mammals on these occasions show a susceptibility of this species to be fatally hit by fire.
Antonio K. Katutok State School Together we save these animals! Students of 6 th Grade “A”.