Multiple Intelligences In What Ways Am I Smart? Multiple Intelligences
By the eyes…
By Body Language
The Multiple Intelligences Linguistic intelligence “word smart” Logical-Mathematical “number/reasoning smart” Visual-Spatial intelligence “picture smart” Bodily-Kinaesthetic intelligence “body smart” Musical intelligence “music smart” Intrapersonal intelligence “self smart” Interpersonal intelligence “people smart” Naturalist intelligence “nature smart” Existentialist intelligence “existence smart
Linguistic Intelligence The ability to use language to express ourselves and to understand other people. Examples: Poet, writer, lawyer, teacher Thinks in words (reading, writing, telling stories, playing word games, etc.)
Linguistic Cont’d How can I use my Linguistic Intelligence in school? Tell a story Tell a joke Write a poem, legend, play, or news article Conduct an interview Conduct research Use / create acronyms
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence The ability to use numbers and to reason well logically. Examples: Mathematician, accountant, computer programmer, scientist Thinks by reasoning (experimenting, questioning, solving logical puzzles, using science materials and manipulatives)
Logical-Mathematical Cont’d How can I use my Logical-Mathematical Intelligence in school? Memorize things in a logical order Find fair and logical arguments in debates Use graphs and charts for presentations Translate a problem into a math formula Design and conduct an experiment
Visual-Spatial Intelligence The ability to interpret the world through images and pictures Examples: hunter, scout, artist, architect, inventor Thinks in images and pictures: (designing, drawing, doodling) Learns best through art, videos and movies, imagination games, mazes, illustrated books
Visual-Spatial Cont’d How can I use my Visual-Spatial Intelligence in school? Create or interpret: A chart, map, or graph A slide show, video, or photo album / collage A piece of art or informative poster
Bodily-Kinaesthetic Intelligence The ability to use our body to learn / express ideas and feelings; the ability to use our body to make or change things Examples: Actor, athlete, sculptor, mechanic, surgeon Thinks through movement: dancing, running, jumping, building / creating Learns through role-play, drama, movement, activities, sports, and hands-on learning
Bodily-Kinaesthetic Cont’d How can I use my Bodily-Kinaesthetic Intelligence in school? Move around the classroom often Build or construct something Create a sequence of movement to explain or portray a concept / idea Use hands-on materials Plan and attend a field trip Play sports
Musical Intelligence The ability to think in music; to hear patterns and recognize, remember, and manipulate them Examples: Singer, song-writer, composer, music critic Thinks through rhythms and melodies: Singing, whistling, tapping feet. Learns best when listening to or creating music
Musical Cont’d How can I use my Musical Intelligence in school? Interpret the messages / themes in songs Sing / rap a song that explains an idea Create a presentation with music Play instruments or sing at school Field trips to concerts
Intrapersonal Intelligence The ability to understand one’s own thoughts, feelings, and reactions to others. Introspective. Examples: Philosopher Poet Counselor Learns through reflecting, setting goals, dreaming, being quiet, working at own pace, making choices
Intrapersonal Cont’d How can I use my Intrapersonal Intelligence at school? Work at own pace, make own decisions Write a journal entry or reflection Assess own work Offer unique, thoughtful opinions and insights during groupwork
Interpersonal Intelligence The ability to understand thoughts, feelings, and motivations of other people; the ability to interact well with others. Examples: Salesperson Teacher Social Worker Politician Learns by talking with others, leading, organizing, socializing / partying
Interpersonal Cont’d How can I use my Interpersonal Intelligence at school? Pair / group work Games Organize social events (school dance, etc.) Hold a meeting, discussion, or debate Teach someone something Participate in a service learning project Give feedback to others on their work
Naturalist Intelligence The ability to connect with and respond to living beings (plants, animals), the natural world, and the environment. Examples: Student Hunter Farmer Botanist Thinks through interaction with nature and the environment: exploring the community, camping, organizing events
Naturalist Cont’d How can I use my Naturalist Intelligence at school? Organize / categorize information Care for pets, wildlife, gardens, or parks Participate in service learning Draw or photograph natural objects or the community
Existentialist Intelligence The ability and proclivity to pose (and ponder) questions about life, death, and ultimate realities. A need to see the “Big Picture” in order to understand the smaller parts.
Holistic Learning First Nations Holistic Lifelong Learning Model