WHAT IS INTELLIGENCE? Psychologists cannot seem to agree, can we?
Some thoughts…. "The ability to carry out abstract thinking.” (Terman, 1921) "The capacity for knowledge, and knowledge possessed.” (Henmon, 1921) "The capacity to learn or to profit by experience.” (Dearborn, 1921) "The capacity to acquire capacity.” (Woodrow, 1921 "Intelligence is what is measured by intelligence tests.” (Boring, 1923) "A global concept that involves an individual's ability to act purposefully, think rationally, and deal effectively with the environment.” (Wechsler, 1958) "Intelligence is a general factor that runs through all types of performance.“ (Jensen) "A person possesses intelligence insofar as he had learned, or can learn, to adjust himself to his environment.“ (Colvin, cited in Sternberg, 1982, p.30)
And some more thoughts… "Intelligence is adaption to the environment.“ (unknown) "Intelligent activity consists of grasping the essentials in a given situation and responding appropriately to them.“ (unknown) "Intelligence is the ability to use optimally limited resources - including time - to achieve goals.“ (Kurzweil, 1999) "Intelligence is what you do when you don't know what to do.“ (unknown) "Intelligence is a hypothetical idea which we have defined as being reflected by certain types of behaviour.“ (unknown)
THEORY OF MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES Dr. Howard Gardner Write the stuff down in Red!!!!
Multiple Intelligences Interpersonal Intrapersonal Linguistic Logical-Mathematical Naturalist Spatial Bodily-Kinesthetic Musical
Interpersonal People Smart Understanding the people around you. Knowing their intentions, motives and desires. Interact well with others. Are you good with people?
Intrapersonal Self Smart To be aware of our own feelings, motives and fears. The ability to use that awareness to help regulate our lives.
Linguistic Word Smart The ability to use language to express thoughts and feelings. Great writers are considered to have high linguistic intelligence.
Logical-Mathematical Logic Smart Analyze problems mathematically or scientifically. Use problem-solving strategies and find patterns in problems.
Naturalist Nature Smart In tune with nature, geography and animals. Good organization and planning skills.
Spatial Picture Smart Visual learners/ Artistic They mentally visualize everything. Easily figure out patterns.
Bodily-Kinesthetic Body Smart Hands on learning which requires physical activity. Good coordination and balance.
Musical Music Smart The ability to recognize and compose musical rhythms. Recognition of musical patterns.
Think About It! Dr. Howard Gardner’s approach to intelligence was unlike any other. He believed that since each individual person was different, that we all had different types and levels of intelligence.
Think About It! It’s not all about math, reading and writing, some of us have more intelligence in different fields, such as music, nature or art. Our intelligence in multiple subjects vary due to our abilities and the way that we learn.
IQ TESTS, EIQ TEST, ECT… Can intelligence be assessed using tests?
Assessing IQ tests Group task Work with a partner to try and complete the IQ test questions Reflect on the test’s validity – what intelligence(s) are being assessed?
IQ tests IQ scores reflect general capacity for performing intellectual tasks, such as solving verbal and mathematical problems. The average score is 100 A near genuis scores over 140