Leadership Skills Effecting positive change in an organization
“The successful organization has one major attribute that sets it apart from unsuccessful organizations: dynamic and effective leadership.” P. Hersey and K. Blanchard
Who Are Ideal Leaders? Leaders I admire: Leaders society admires:
What Are The Qualities of Ideal Leaders? Qualities I admire: Qualities society admires:
Leadership Defined Leadership is the ability to influence others, either positively or negatively. –Positive: facilitation of task accomplishment –Negative: task accomplishment is inhibited. Emergent vs. appointed/hired
Management vs. Leadership Management: –control of existing operations/functions Leadership: –strategic and visionary The primary role of the leader: –guide the team towards a future –strategically defined goals and objectives.
Managerial and Leadership Circle
Leadership: The Experts Have Spoken Trait Functional Situational
Trait Theory Genetics, Mother Nature alone, is responsible for leadership qualities
Functional Theory Task & Relationship –Leader emerges depending upon needs of the group
Task Leadership Keeps the members on-task. Initiating Coordinating Summarizing Elaborating on ideas
Maintenance/Process Leadership Tension release Gate keeping Encouraging Mediating
Situational Leadership Styles Adaptation of leadership style Accurate assessment of the situation React appropriately.
True leaders recognize that teams: inhabited by humans learned behaviors capacity for risk-taking linked to internal controls …can be frustrating, stressful, and even unstable when initiative, creativity, and productivity are being expressed by team members.
Group Exercise Split into three equal teams The team process is important to this exercise, so everyone must participate. Follow the instructions of your leader carefully. Using the provided Tinker Toy sets, your team will have five minutes to build something that works…does something…has a purpose.
Leadership Styles Autocratic/controller Laissez-faire Democratic leadership Kuhnert and Lewis’s Transformational Leadership Theory –Type X The Performer –Type Y The Transformer
Autocratic/Controller Leader ALL controlling –ensures predictable results. Individual assignments limited, specific in nature Team needs secondary Responsibility not shared. Decisions? Leader only. Motivation= fear/intimidation Highly productive team –BUT when leader is away, no work occurs Sabotage Member reaction = aggressive, or apathetic Generals/Admirals Size of group
Laissez-faire Leader Minimum/No of leader participation Supplies/materials only when requested Infrequent, spontaneous comments on member activities No attempt to regulate events Often uses “hallway delegation” to assign tasks Teams less satisfied (leader & product)
Democratic Leader All participants have equal voice. Information is freely shared. Authority is delegated Responsibility is shared by all members. Assignments are complex Feeling of contribution Work occurs at all times Teams report more satisfaction Best in small group situation
Situational Leadership Styles Which style appropriate? –New employee –10 year employee –Absentee problem –Product development –Product release
Kuhnert and Lewis’s Transformational Leadership Theory Type X - “The Performer” –A “transactional” leader Type Y- “The Transformer” Type Y - “The Transformer” –A risk taker
Transactional vs. Transformational Leadership Styles Transactional: –Reactive leadership that responds to problems in a punitive manner Transformational: –Proactive –Charismatic leadership that inspires exceptional performance
Type X Leader A leader who does not trust team members to work and is unconcerned with the personal achievement of team members. –Does ALL of the work –No confidence in the ability of the group. group failure to perform = no promotion/bad grade group lacks confidence reactive leadership= punitive Emergency situations require performers
Type Y Leader Transformational leaders: –risk takers –display trust in team members –concerned with member achievement. –Proactive-not reactive –Charismatic leadership inspires exceptional performance
Meyers & Briggs Personality Profile Which profile fits the visionary leader?
Does Leadership Style Really Make a Difference? Superman-style outdated –one person saving the day Today’s leader –leads a team –decisions are made collectively –common good of the organization key
The key role for the leader –setting the context –Incorporation of organization’s strategic goals and objectives into all aspects of the daily work, and team activities. Key Role for the Leader
Leadership Exercises defining the difference –leadership and authority –technical and adaptive work.
Authority A degree of power and influence over others –goals and objectives –Authority impacts technical and adaptive work environments The proper use of authority = adapting to situation decisions need know-how –beyond the issue of technical knowledge –wisdom to adapt and meet the challenge
Authority and Trust The proper use of authority requires: Consistency Congruity: walking the talk Reliability Integrity
Term Paper Assignment: Leadership View Example of Structure