The First 20 Elements: Atomic Mass Quiz Click Here to Begin!Here P.S.- Make Sure you remember how many you got right!
What is the Atomic Mass of Nitrogen? A: A: B: B: C: 7 C: 7 D: D:
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Match the atomic mass with the correct element: A: Argon A: Argon B: Magnesium B: Magnesium C: Sodium C: Sodium D: Calcium D: Calcium
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Which of these pairs match? A: Neon; A: Neon; B: Neon; B: Neon; C: Neon; C: Neon; D: Neon; 10 D: Neon; 10 E: Neon; E: Neon; 20.81
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True or False: Hydrogen’s Atomic Mass is If false, why? True True False; the atomic mass is the number of protons in an atom. False; the atomic mass is the number of protons in an atom. False, the atomic mass is 1 since hydrogen is the first element on the periodic table. False, the atomic mass is 1 since hydrogen is the first element on the periodic table
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The atomic mass of Magnesium is… A: A: B: 23:405 B: 23:405 C: 12 C: 12 D: D:
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This atomic mass belongs to… Fluorine Fluorine Chlorine Chlorine Argon Argon Potassium Potassium
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What is the atomic mass of Boron? A: 10 A: 10 B: 5 B: 5 C: C: D: D:
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4.003 is the atomic mass of… Hydrogen Hydrogen Beryllium Beryllium Helium Helium Lithium Lithium
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The element with a symbol of Be has which atomic mass? 4 4
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What is the atomic mass of Silicon?
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Oxygen has an atomic mass of… 16 – = atomic mass of Oxygen 16 – = atomic mass of Oxygen 8 8
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is the atomic mass of which element? Argon Argon Magnesium Magnesium Sulfur Sulfur Phosphorus Phosphorus
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Match the element and atomic mass correctly Fluorine
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Match the Atomic Mass and the Element correctly Argon Silicon Aluminum Magnesium Calcium
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Match the Symbol with the atomic mass Li
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Match the atomic mass with the symbol Na Mg C B N
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True or False: Potassium has an atomic mass of If false, what is the atomic mass? True True False; the atomic mass is 19 False; the atomic mass is 19 False; the atomic mass is False; the atomic mass is
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Calcium has an atomic mass of…
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Phosphorus has an atomic mass of…
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The Final Question: What is the atomic mass of Fluorine? 9 9
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Grades 20 correct: You are on your way to becoming a chemist, right? 18 or 19 correct: Your skills are pretty good, just a tiny bit more practice needed. 16 or 17 correct: 0 to 11 correct: Your skills are a Your skills need to be greatly little rusty, but still good. Improved. 14 or 15 correct: You need some more practice. 12 or 13 correct: A good deal of practice is needed. Bonus: Who was this element named after?Who was this element named after? Bonus: Which three elements of the first twenty weren’t in Mendeleev's periodic table?Which three elements of the first twenty weren’t in Mendeleev's periodic table? Bonus: How many elements are there in the Periodic Table?How many elements are there in the Periodic Table?
Bonus 1 Who was this element named after? Nobelium was named after Alfred Nobel, a Swedish chemist who discovered how to make dynamite and was the namesake for the Nobel Prize.Alfred NobelNobel Prize Also, did you know there are different versions of the periodic table?different versions of the periodic table Click here to go back to see
Bonus 2 Which three elements weren’t in Mendeleev's table? Helium, Neon, and Argon, which are all noble gases.Mendeleev's table Also, did you know there are different versions of the periodic table?different versions of the periodic table Click here to go back to see more. here
Bonus 3 How many elements are there? There are 118 elements in the Periodic Table.Periodic Table Also, did you know there are different versions of the periodic table?different versions of the periodic table Click here to go back to see