R ETURNING TO S CHOOL AFTER B EING P ART OF THE W ORKFORCE - B EST P RACTICES FOR H ELPING T HESE S TUDENTS Kelley Baran – Bridgewater State University Chris Hart – Boston University Katie Kelsall - Harvard Extension School Frank Mullen - Berklee College of Music Pam Walker - College Coach/EdAssist MASFAA Conference November 7, 2012
Bridgewater State University Population Demographics – Four Major Categories Continuing/Transferring Undergraduate Adult Students – We have a dedicated transfer staff and continuing education coordinators to help these one-time college students figure out how to continue pursuing their degree. First Time Undergraduate Adult Students – There are nine evening bachelor degree programs. Students are allowed to mix evening & online courses. Graduate Students – While the traditional graduate student at BSU now has an entire College of Graduate Studies to turn to for resources, they often face the same challenges as our undergraduate adult students. Veteran Students – Every population includes veterans who have their own unique needs. We’ve hired staff to help with the transition from combat to classroom.
Bridgewater State University Needs Unique to Population Academic Advisement Our Academic Achievement Center deals with all students offering a large array of programs, including evening advising Application Help A special Evening Application was created for students who have been out of high school for more than three years or have earned college credits They don’t need to send standardized scores! Graduate standardized testing offered on-campus Career Services Now, Throughout & Later – Not Just Later Flexible Enrollment Options Time of Day, Time of Year, & Place
Bridgewater State University Veterans Issue Example 35 out of the 37 Freshman Veterans could have received additional credit at BSU for their military experience Part-time Veteran Advisor being hired in Academic Achievement Center to help with military experience for transfer credit, and insure veterans take the proper courses and graduate before their Chapter Benefits expire
Boston University – Metropolitan College Age Range of MET is 18 to 74 years old! Average Age of a MET is 31 years old Student MET (fall 2011) is approx students – 2960 graduate students & 1340 undergrads For the same period (fall 2011) there were 750 full- time students & 3550 part-time students
Boston University – Metropolitan College The needs of this population include: Some of the everyday things common to families and students everywhere Parking Services Day Care Financial Assistance (Sometimes from an employer) Availability of Desired Programs Access and Facilities
Boston University – Metropolitan College How does BU meet these needs? The college has academic and financial aid counselors available to assist students in the selection of classes and the logistics of financial aid and registration In a similar manner for any large company, the university also has a variety of services from which student may draw to successfully complete their academic requirements
Harvard Extension School Population Demographics Non-Traditional Students (20s-50s +, avg. 33) International Working/Part-Time Students Off-Campus Online Students Degree Candidates have On-Campus Requirements Relocation Costs Reliance on Virtual resources
Harvard Extension School Needs Unique to Population Work/Family/School Balance Housing Costs Dependency Care Health Insurance Unemployment Career Change Prior debt Deferment Non-Traditional Schedules Not 9-5
Harvard Extension School How Harvard Addresses Student Needs Communication: One-on-One Assistance Website Change in Income Form Loss of Employment Budget Adjustments Consider Higher Expenses Mortgages Family Medical
Berklee College of Music Population Demographics of Returning Students Spring 2012 271 Student’s Inquired, 170 Returned Summer 2012 191 Student’s Inquired, 116 Returned Fall 2012 167 Student’s Inquired, 167 Returned
Berklee College of Music Returning Students at Berklee are a Unique Population… Job Opportunities Financial Constraints Never Intended to Stay Returning Student Needs: Transfer Credits Immigration Documents New Technology Credentials Housing Immunizations Financial Aid
Berklee College of Music How Berklee Addresses Student Needs One Point Person Returning Student Coordinator Communication Mail, , & Phone Calls Incentives Allowed to Register for Classes before Pre-registration Opens to Rest of the Class
EdAssist Population Demographics Partner with Corporations Benefit to Employee Tuition Reimbursement Advising Offers Career, School Selection, & Finance Ages Range from 20-Something to Almost Retired
EdAssist Needs Unique to Population Online or On-Campus Network Schools Balancing Work & Home Life with School Tuition Reimbursement Ranges & Company’s Policy of What is Covered How to Finance Balance of College Costs not Covered by Tuition Reimbursement
Resources Veterans Affairs - IRS Publication 970/Education Tax Credits -
Questions & Discussion