1 SABR Soccer Playoff Overview for Referees Sunday, February 8, 2009 Sugar Sand Park
2 Meeting Agenda Playoff Schedule Playoff Schedule ARs for U9 & U10 ARs for U9 & U10 Length of Games & Overtime Length of Games & Overtime Golden Goal Rule Golden Goal Rule FIFA Kicks from the Penalty Mark FIFA Kicks from the Penalty Mark Observations & Reminders Observations & Reminders End of Season Awards Party End of Season Awards Party Questions Questions Assignments Assignments
3 Playoff Schedule Monday, February 16 through Monday, February 23 rd Monday, February 16 through Monday, February 23 rd Tom Cup Finals – Patch Reef Park – Saturday, February 28 th Tom Cup Finals – Patch Reef Park – Saturday, February 28 th Playoff Schedule Posted on Playoff Schedule Posted on Payment will be made at the End of Year Referee Party Payment will be made at the End of Year Referee Party
4 ARs Added to U9 & U10 Age GroupRefereeAssistant Referee U9, U10 $20 $10* U11, U12 $28$16 U14 $34$18 U16, U18, U19 $40$22 *Semi-finals and finals ONLY For Recreational Games collect all money even if an AR is missing & contact and turn in to Mr. Behrman (see Contacts for Referees )
5 Length of Games & Overtime Periods Age Group Game Length Overtime Periods U9 & U10 Two 25-min halves Two 10-min halves U11 & U12 Two 30-min halves Two 10-min halves U14 Two 35-min halves Two 10-min halves U16 & U18 Two 40-min halves Two 15-min halves
6 Golden Goal Rule The first team to score in any overtime period will be declared the winner.
7 Kicks from the Penalty Mark If after overtime period has expired in the playoffs or Tom Cup finals, FIFA “kicks from the penalty mark” rules will apply. If after overtime period has expired in the playoffs or Tom Cup finals, FIFA “kicks from the penalty mark” rules will apply. See Instructions for the taking of kicks from the penalty mark See Instructions for the taking of kicks from the penalty mark
8 Observations & Reminders Attendance Attendance Preparedness Preparedness Attire Attire Time Management Time Management Fouls, Yellow & Red Cards Fouls, Yellow & Red Cards Behavior Behavior Non FIFA Rules Non FIFA Rules
9 ON TIME, BEING PREPARED and LOOKING PROFESSIONAL Attributes of a SABR Referee Attributes of a SABR Referee Keys to gaining the respect of the coaches, players and spectators Keys to gaining the respect of the coaches, players and spectators
10 Attendance Arrive minutes early before each game Arrive minutes early before each game If a referee does not show up, then please follow these procedures: If a referee does not show up, then please follow these procedures: Try to contact either Mr. Brian Behrman (Recreational)Try to contact either Mr. Brian Behrman (Recreational) If you cannot contact Mr. Behrman or if he does not have a substitute available, you should see if there is another licensed referee in the area who can act as a linesman.If you cannot contact Mr. Behrman or if he does not have a substitute available, you should see if there is another licensed referee in the area who can act as a linesman. Unless that referee just finished a game at the same level, you should still try to contact Mr. Behrman before having that person step in.Unless that referee just finished a game at the same level, you should still try to contact Mr. Behrman before having that person step in. Any such tardiness should be reported to Mr. Behrman (see Contacts).Any such tardiness should be reported to Mr. Behrman (see Contacts). If you cannot find a suitable linesman, then you can use a “club linesman” if the coaches agree.If you cannot find a suitable linesman, then you can use a “club linesman” if the coaches agree. If the scheduled linesman shows up after the game has started, they may take over for the “club linesman” with the referee’s permission.If the scheduled linesman shows up after the game has started, they may take over for the “club linesman” with the referee’s permission. Games should not start without the FIFA prescribed three referees. Games should not start without the FIFA prescribed three referees.
11 Preparedness Head Referee Head Referee Coin for starting gameCoin for starting game Working whistleWorking whistle Watch or stop watchWatch or stop watch Game report and pen or pencilGame report and pen or pencil Your red and yellow cards.Your red and yellow cards. Assistant Referee (Linesman) Assistant Referee (Linesman) FlagFlag All the above for Head Referee in the event you need to step in if the head referee does not show.All the above for Head Referee in the event you need to step in if the head referee does not show.
12 Attire Wearing the proper Referee Uniform Wearing the proper Referee Uniform Yellow shirtYellow shirt Black shortsBlack shorts Long black socksLong black socks Shirt must be tucked in for the entire duration of the game. Shirt must be tucked in for the entire duration of the game. We need to set an example for the coaches and players We need to set an example for the coaches and players
13 Time Management Time management of the soccer game IS the responsibility of the referee Time management of the soccer game IS the responsibility of the referee NOT the coaches… NOT the coaches… NOT the players and… NOT the players and… NOT the administrators. NOT the administrators. SABR works very hard to schedule as many games as possible to optimize the limited number of soccer fields, thus it is extremely important that you keep the games on time. SABR works very hard to schedule as many games as possible to optimize the limited number of soccer fields, thus it is extremely important that you keep the games on time. Delays due to injury, weather or other reason you deem appropriate can be made up by adding time at the end of the game. Delays due to injury, weather or other reason you deem appropriate can be made up by adding time at the end of the game. BOTTOM LINE: TRY KEEP ALL GAMES ON SCHEDULE. BOTTOM LINE: TRY KEEP ALL GAMES ON SCHEDULE.
14 Behavior On the Field Be decisive in your decisions Be decisive in your decisions Blow your whistle loud Blow your whistle loud Signal your calls correctly Signal your calls correctly Be consistent in your calls Be consistent in your calls
15 Fouls Call fouls based on the age group and level of play Call fouls based on the age group and level of play Hand balls need to appear to be deliberate, not accidental Hand balls need to appear to be deliberate, not accidental IDF awarded to attacking team if a teammate of the goalie passes back to goalie and they pick it up IDF awarded to attacking team if a teammate of the goalie passes back to goalie and they pick it up If a goalie touches the ball, it is considered their ball and thus running into the goalie or kicking it out of their hands. If a goalie touches the ball, it is considered their ball and thus running into the goalie or kicking it out of their hands. Be careful in the last few minutes of a close game with your calls Be careful in the last few minutes of a close game with your calls
16 Yellow Cards When a player is issued a YELLOW CARD the player must be substituted to allow for a “cool down” period When a player is issued a YELLOW CARD the player must be substituted to allow for a “cool down” period Player may re-enter game at the next opportunity the team can substitute Player may re-enter game at the next opportunity the team can substitute
17 Red Cards If you issue a RED CARD, be sure to report the incident via to your Assignor and the SABR Director of Referees. If you issue a RED CARD, be sure to report the incident via to your Assignor and the SABR Director of Referees. Include in your report the following information: Include in your report the following information: DateDate Team Gender, Age Group and Team Name (e.g., GU14 Revolution)Team Gender, Age Group and Team Name (e.g., GU14 Revolution) First and Last Name of the Player, Coach or SpectatorFirst and Last Name of the Player, Coach or Spectator Nature of the Misconduct or Red CardNature of the Misconduct or Red Card
18 Non FIFA Rules Many are covered in your SABR Handbook Many are covered in your SABR Handbook Read the Handbook and print pages from the SABR Web Site – “Referee’s Corner” Read the Handbook and print pages from the SABR Web Site – “Referee’s Corner” Keep this information handy as a guide Keep this information handy as a guide
19 Number of Players, Length of Games, Off Sides, and Free Kicks DescriptionU9 & U10U11 & U12U14U16, U18 & U19 Ball Size 4455 Max No. Players 6811 Min. No. Players 5677 Length of Halves 25 Minutes30 Minutes35 Minutes40 Minutes Free Kicks Indirect & Direct Opponents Distance on Free Kicks 6 Yards10 Yards Penalty KicksYes Referee Explains Foul to Player Yes No Retake Throw Ins (1)Yes No Off SidesNo Yes
20 Location for Taking Penalty Kicks Should be marked Should be marked Full size field – 12 yards from the goal Full size field – 12 yards from the goal Smaller fields – halfway between the goal area and the penalty area lines Smaller fields – halfway between the goal area and the penalty area lines If the goal area is not marked, pace off the penalty area and place ball 2/3s the number of paces. For example: If the goal area is not marked, pace off the penalty area and place ball 2/3s the number of paces. For example: Penalty area = 12 pacesPenalty area = 12 paces Penalty mark = 8 pacesPenalty mark = 8 paces
21 Substitutes A team CAN substitute on their OWN throw in, NOT on the opponent’s throw in. A team CAN substitute on their OWN throw in, NOT on the opponent’s throw in. All teams MAY substitute: All teams MAY substitute: On either team's goal kick,On either team's goal kick, After a goal,After a goal, After a halfAfter a half After you stop the game due to injury (either team)After you stop the game due to injury (either team) Water breaksWater breaks After the regular time of the game has expired if an overtime period is provided.After the regular time of the game has expired if an overtime period is provided. Players must be ready at the halfway line – please explain this to the coaches Players must be ready at the halfway line – please explain this to the coaches You may use discretion to not allow a substitution if the substitute is not ready to come onto the field You may use discretion to not allow a substitution if the substitute is not ready to come onto the field
22 Water Breaks Water breaks are REQUIRED Water breaks are REQUIRED Approximately mid-way through each half Approximately mid-way through each half No more 1-2 minutes to allow players to get a drink No more 1-2 minutes to allow players to get a drink Game clock is NOT stopped Game clock is NOT stopped Players must stay in the field of play Players must stay in the field of play Encourage players to get back on the field Encourage players to get back on the field No coaching No coaching
23 Injuries Both teams may substitute following an injury Both teams may substitute following an injury Only coaches allowed to attend to an injured player on the field Only coaches allowed to attend to an injured player on the field If a player is injured and cannot return, e- mail the Director of Referees: If a player is injured and cannot return, e- mail the Director of Referees: DateDate Team Gender, Age Group and Team Name (e.g., GU14 Revolution)Team Gender, Age Group and Team Name (e.g., GU14 Revolution) First and Last Name of the PlayerFirst and Last Name of the Player Nature of the InjuryNature of the Injury
24 Other Considerations Be sure to enforce the Technical Area with the coaches at the beginning Be sure to enforce the Technical Area with the coaches at the beginning ~10 yards on either side of the centerline~10 yards on either side of the centerline ~ 1 yard behind the touch line~ 1 yard behind the touch line Ask the coaches or SABR Administrators to ask their spectators to sit on the opposite side of the field Ask the coaches or SABR Administrators to ask their spectators to sit on the opposite side of the field Do Not engage with the spectators Do Not engage with the spectators Ask the coaches or SABR Administrators to help you manage the spectators Ask the coaches or SABR Administrators to help you manage the spectators
25 Lightning Safety 1.Use the “30-30 Rule” and Common Sense If you see lighting, check your watchIf you see lighting, check your watch If thunder occurs before 30 seconds, you need to have everyone get off the field and into a sheltered areaIf thunder occurs before 30 seconds, you need to have everyone get off the field and into a sheltered area Wait 30 minutes following the same 30 second rule before allowing players coaches and spectators back onto the fieldWait 30 minutes following the same 30 second rule before allowing players coaches and spectators back onto the field 2.Most fields have lighting detectors (except FAU/Henderson) When you hear the detector sound, have everyone get off the fieldWhen you hear the detector sound, have everyone get off the field Safe to return when you hear 3 short blastsSafe to return when you hear 3 short blasts NOTE: LIGHTING DECTECTORS HAVE BEEN KNOWN TO FAIL – IF IN DOUBT REFER TO NO. 1
26 Referees Need to Set the Tone for the Games CONSISTENTLY enforce the “Rules of the Game”, “Non-FIFA Rules”, and “Other Considerations” CONSISTENTLY enforce the “Rules of the Game”, “Non-FIFA Rules”, and “Other Considerations” Establish themselves with the coaches, players and spectators as “In Charge” Establish themselves with the coaches, players and spectators as “In Charge” Be decisive and blow your whistle loud so everyone can hear it Be decisive and blow your whistle loud so everyone can hear it Have fun and let the players play! Have fun and let the players play!
27 SABR Web Site – Referees’ Corner
28 End of Season Referee Party Referee Party after the East-West Game Referee Party after the East-West Game Payment for Playoffs & Tom Cup Payment for Playoffs & Tom Cup Awards for Referees & Mentors Awards for Referees & Mentors Raffle for Prizes Raffle for Prizes Food and Drink Food and Drink Date and Time TBA Date and Time TBA
29 Questions?
30 Assignments Brian Behrman