Vacuum and cryogenic systems in R5.2 for MICE Presentation to the MICE/ISIS Operations meeting on 16/03/2015
The Vacuum Group Hardware: Tom Weston (DL), Roy Preece (RAL), Mike Courthold (RAL), Mark Tucker (RAL) Controls: Ian Mullacrane (DL), John Webb (DL), Peter Owens (DL), Phil Warburton (DL) Integration into local EPICS: Pierrick Hanlet (LTV from FNAL) Integration with Hall services: Andy Nichols (RAL), Andy Gallagher (DL), and others
Overall description The turbomolecular pumps (TMPs) are as close as possible to each cryostat. The TMPs are outside the PRY, protected from magnetic fields. The TMPs are backed by a shared backing manifold system. DN100 (CF) pipework connect them with the cryostats. The backing line pipework is DN100 (LF). There are two backing pumps, one of which will be running whilst the other is spare. Each pump contains a 500m 3 /hr ROOTS backed by an 80m 3 /hr dry iDQ pump. The vacuum system will be fully automated with in-built safety via interlocks.
The Vacuum System
Edwards iQ backing pumps, pipework towards cryostats, and the controls rack in the North-West corner of R5.2
Along the South side of the cryostats The branch with gate-valve to the North side at the EMR/KL position. The TMP rigs will be placed on the aluminium plates adjacent to the innermost PRY legs.
Model view of South side of cryostats Jason Tarrant
Model view of North side of cryostats Jason Tarrant
The TMP rigs and the controls rack have been tested together at Daresbury. The rigs are temporarily in the NW corner of Hall, ready for the system to be tested on the local EPICS controls software, before being placed in their correct positions: two along the South side of cryostats; and one on the North side.
Gantry for filling operations Thanks to Jason Tarrant for these drawings and 3d view
ODH There will be an ODH system (supplied by Crowcon) Audible warning inside Hall Warning lights at entrance to Hall Required for filling operations with liquid N and liquid He Required for quenches (each SS contains 300 litres of liquid He, FC contains 20 litres)
Bank of cryocooler compressors
Decay Solenoid Dates 16/02/ /03 to 20/03/ /04/ /05 to 29/05 Tasks Helium compressor (8000h) service Linde refrigerator (8000h) service Decay solenoid cold Exchange and service scroll pumps for vacuum.
Operations Schedule Date 13/03 10/04 20/04 to 24/04 24/04 01/05 05/05 to 15/05 18/05 21/05 26/05 01/06 to 07/06 08/06 Operation Begin pump-out of FC Begin cool-down of FC Repairs of SS current leads Begin pump-out of SSs FC at base temperature Verify FC magnet operation Begin FC training Pre-cool SSs with liq. N Cool SSs with liq. He Verify SS magnet operation Begin SS training
Liquid helium (maximal?) consumption Dates 15/04 to 30/04 01/05 to 15/05 16/05 to 31/05 01/06 to 30/06 01/07 to 31/07 01/08 until May 2016 Quantities 1,000 litres 2,000 litres 4,000 litres 10,000 litres 5,000 litres 1,000 litres per quench