Jessica Marich For Parents of Teenagers EATING DISORDERS IN TEENS.


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Presentation transcript:

Jessica Marich For Parents of Teenagers EATING DISORDERS IN TEENS

What is an eating disorder? Abnormal eating habits Include thoughts of weight control Response of stress Can be life threatening

Who is most likely to have an eating disorder? Young teens Mostly girls But boys develop eating disorders as well

Eating disorders in boys Mostly linked to sports Less likely to seek help because they are “women disease” Bulimic boys are more likely to exercise than to purge How can I have the “women's disease!”

Eating disorders in girls Girls are influenced easily When girls feel they are out of control of their lives they turn to weight control Can be caused by child abuse Manage stress by restricting diet

Types of eating disorders Anorexia Nervosa Bulimia Nervosa Binge Eating

Anorexia Nervosa

Bulimia Nervosa

Binge Eating Disorder

Anorexia Statistics Boys 10-15% with anorexia Less likely to see help 20% of gay men are anorexic Girls 81% of ten year olds are afraid to gain weight 69% 5 th -12 th graders body image is influenced by magazines 20% at risk of death

Bulimia Statistics Girls 50% anorexic girls become bulimic 18 times more likely from diet changes Boys 10-15% have bulimia Less likely to seek help 14% gay men are bulimic

Binge Eating Statistics Girls 60% of people with binge eating disorder are girls. Most common in girls Boys 40% of people with binge eating disorder are boys

Signs of Anorexia Nervosa Thin Pale Obsessive over weight control Depressed Wont eat in front of others

Signs of Bulimia Nervosa Afraid to gain weight Disappear to bathroom after every meal Can have a normal body weight Tooth decay Use laxatives or diet pills

Signs of Binge Eating Weight gain Eat excessive amounts of foods Eat in secret Never feel satisfied Lie

Causes of eating disorders in teens Society/media Low self-esteem Certain sports

Consequences of eating disorders Dizziness Extreme fatigue Weakness Loss of sleep Loss of muscle and bone Depression Seizures Oral problems

How to protect your teen from an eating disorder. Be a role model Promote healthy eating habits Explain how the media works Don’t use food as a reward or as a consequence Educate them

Seeking treatment Talk to your teen Schedule a check up with their doctor If diagnosed: seek therapy, nutritionist, or medication


References Mayo Clinic Staff (2012 May 22) Teen eating disorders: Tips to protect your teen. Retrieved from living/tween-and-teen-health/in-depth/ living/tween-and-teen-health/in-depth/teen-eating-disorders New, Michelle. (2011 January) Eating Disorders. Retrieved from: Bing Eating Disorder. Retrieved from: (2014) Eating Disorder statistics. Retrieved from: disorders/eatingdisordersstatistics/ (2012) What is an Eating Disorder? Retrieved from: us/services/eating-concerns/what-is-an-eating-disorder.html Farrar, Tabitha (2014) Men With eating Disorders. Retrieved from: Thompson, Colleen Women and Eating Disorders. Retrieved from: