Crop Production Sustainable Small Acreage Farming & Ranching Crop Management
Sustainable Small Acreage Farming & Ranching Managing Crops Water Climate Soil Pests Rotations and cover crops Tillage Harvest/Post Harvest Equipment
Sustainable Small Acreage Farming & Ranching Water Capacity – quantity available Check regulations – water rights Crop requirements – specific to crop Irrigation methods Drip, sprinkler, furrow
Sustainable Small Acreage Farming & Ranching Climate First and last frost dates (growing season) Average low temperatures (Hardiness zones) Growing degree days (no. of days accumulated above a certain temperature) Fruit ripening Monitoring insects
Sustainable Small Acreage Farming & Ranching Working around the Climate Appropriate varieties/cultivars Cultural practices Raised beds Transplants instead of direct seeding Season extension tools Greenhouses Tunnels Cold frames Row covers Plastic mulches
Sustainable Small Acreage Farming & Ranching Season Extension Tools ToolAdvantagesDisadvantages Heated double poly greenhouse Long season; environmental control High initial costs; high utility costs to maintain Single poly high tunnel, unheated Lower cost; extends season Minimal frost protection Cold framesHardening off transplants Limited volume restricts uses
Sustainable Small Acreage Farming & Ranching Season Extension Tools (cont.) ToolAdvantagesDisadvantages Solid row coversEnhance early growth Can overheat; require hoops Floating row covers Enhance growth in field; exclude insect pests Must be removed for pollination; May tear in wind Plastic mulchesEnhance early yield; easy to use Annual removal and disposal cost
Sustainable Small Acreage Farming & Ranching Crop Rotations Increase biological diversity Break disease and pest cycles Nutrients from soil at different depths Diversify the economics of your operation Spread out labor needs (through season)
Sustainable Small Acreage Farming & Ranching Cover Crops and Green manures Keep it covered: Prevent erosion Shade out weeds Prevent freezing and thawing of soils Hosts for beneficial insects Incorporate it: Add nitrogen Increase organic matter
Sustainable Small Acreage Farming & Ranching Use of Cover Crops/Green Manures Identify your problem N source, fight weeds, soil builder, erosion Identify when you could fit them into your rotations late summer, winter, spring ? Identify the right type of cover crop Depending on use, what does well
Sustainable Small Acreage Farming & Ranching Types of Cover Crops Clovers (sweet) Hairy Vetch Rye Barley Medic Winter peas Sorghum-sudan grass hybrid
Sustainable Small Acreage Farming & Ranching Use of Cover Crops N Source Soil Builder Erosion fighter Loosen subsoil Weed fighte r Pest fighter Winter peas Hairy Vetch Medic Rye Clover Barley Rye Barley Sorghum cross Clover Rye Wheat Barley Rye Sorghum
Sustainable Small Acreage Farming & Ranching Soil Cultivation: Purpose Promote good soil structure Break up soil pans Aerate the soil Incorporate mineral and organic materials Control weeds Create particulate seed beds Mange some pathogens or insects
Sustainable Small Acreage Farming & Ranching Soil Cultivation Methods Deep tillage, shallow tillage, surface cultivation Timing and type of tillage depends on: Soil moisture and texture Climate and season of year Cropping system Soil condition
Sustainable Small Acreage Farming & Ranching Impacts of Excessive Tillage Decrease soil organic matter Reduction in soil biological activity Destruction of soil aggregates Reduction of nutrient & water holding capacity Loss of soil pore space and decreased gas exchange
Sustainable Small Acreage Farming & Ranching Conservation Tillage Initially may require more to incorporate cover crops, organic mater Improved soils may not need as much Incorporate more shallow (surface only) Subsurface tillage equipment - sub-soiler or chisels Disadvantages: More herbicides, reduced mineralization of O.M., therefore lower nutrient availability in cold climates
Sustainable Small Acreage Farming & Ranching Minimum Tillage of Vegetables? Check out Steve Groff’s web site: Cedar Meadow Farm Permanent Cover Cropping System
Sustainable Small Acreage Farming & Ranching Harvest, Handling and Storage Timing is everything Don’t forget needs for increased labor Proper equipment and process shading, washing, cooling Sorting and packing Temperatures for storage
Sustainable Small Acreage Farming & Ranching Equipment What you need vs. what you want Consider cost/benefit advantages What you can afford The right piece for the job Save for equipment – don’t go in debt