BY: Grace Ownbey Grace Ownbey
Motivation Helps energy companies save $$$ To help consumers see if they are paying more money for the same amount of energy.
Research Questions How does climate effect trade? How does temperature effect total energy consumption? Hypothesis- Temperature accounts for 70% of total energy consumption.
Methods and Data Annual Average temperature, Cooling degree days, Heating degree days and Sum of degree days(NC State climate office) Set of total energy consumption data with smaller sub sets of data (State energy Data System) from NC ○ ESTCP- Electricity total consumption ○ RFTCP- Residual fuel oil total consumption, ○ NGRCP- Natural gas total consumption Years Compared the sets of data by finding the correlation between them and there detrended values
Background Information Cooling Degree days-CDD Heating Degree days-HDD
Key HDD= heating degree days CDD= cooling degree days SADD= sum of annual degree days AV temp= average temperature Fitted Total= normalized Energy consumption Fitted ESTCP KKWH= Electricity Total Consumption
Compared Data Temperature Correlation Electricity total consumption.51 Residual fuel oil total consumption -.20 Natural gas total consumption.29 Cooling degree days Electricity total consumption.38 Residual fuel oil total consumption -.19 Natural gas total consumption.21 Heating degree days Electricity total consumption-.32 Residual fuel oil total consumption.06 Natural gas total consumption-.13 Sum of annual degree days Electricity total consumption-.14 Residual fuel oil total consumption -.04 Natural gas total consumption-.03
Normalized total for the last 30 years Temperature.06 Cooling degree days.14 Heating degree days.06 Sum of degree days.13 Normalized total for the last 20 years Temperature-.44 Cooling degree days.09 Heating degree days.59 Sum of degree days.71
Discussion Temperature effects energy consumption by about 50% The research rejected my hypothesized 70% but supported the facet that it does have some affect Didn’t account for other ways of heating and power such as… propane solar power wood burning wind power If theses were taken into account how much of a difference would it make?
Future Research How does temperature effect agricultural trade? How do storms effect trade? How does the effect of temperature on energy trade effect the price of energy? How do natural disasters effect agricultural trade? How do hurricanes effect the economy of the places they hit? How does climate effect energy trade? How does climate effect energy consumption?
Approach Total energy consumption and temperature correlated over 50, 30, and then 20 years There seemed to be more of a pattern during the last 30 years and the correlations for the most part increased Since the 30 year period increased the correlations, I correlated the 20 year period
Results The research rejected my hypothesized 70% but supported the facet that it does have some affect Temperature effects energy consumption by about 50%