Murphy 2012 Bruneau River and Murphy Flows Liz Cresto September 19, 2012
Assignment: Analyze Bruneau River impacts to the flow at Murphy, particularly during low flow periods.
5600 Minimum Flow Period Limited to the flows at Murphy to 6500cfs and less. Bruneau at Hot Springs greater then 100cfs. March is the critical month. Flows at Murphy 6200 – 7000cfs and at times the flows on the Bruneau were cfs. Irrigation season begins March 15 th, however the limited historical data suggests that diversions below the Hot Springs gage would not divert the entire Bruneau River. Some water from the Bruneau would enter C.J. Strike. The proposed gage on the Bruneau would provide useful information.
3900 Minimum Flow Period April – October or during the irrigation season Limited to the flows at Murphy to 5000cfs and less. Bruneau at Hot Springs greater then 200cfs. Assumed that flows lower than 200cfs would likely be diverted by the three main canals. Any flow that would make it down the main channel would not have significant impact to the flows at Murphy. June is the critical month. Flows at Murphy below 5000cfs and at times the flows on the Bruneau at Hot Springs were cfs. Irrigation season begins March 15 th, however the limited historical data suggests that diversions below the Hot Springs gage would not divert the entire Bruneau River. Some water from the Bruneau would enter C.J. Strike.
00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second, YEAR Monthly mean in cfs (Calculation Period: > ) JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Mean of monthly Discharge USGS BUCKAROO DITCH AT HOT SPRINGS NR BRUNEAU ID
00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second, YEAR Monthly mean in cfs (Calculation Period: > ) JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Mean of monthly Discharge
South Side Bruneau Canal Misc. Field Measurements. Max measurement 47 cfs in June 1987.
Buckarooo Canal Entering C.J. Strike
End of Bruneau Southside Canal