1.Introduzione (identificare il tema della foto, magari nominando chi, cosa, dove, in una frase) 2. Le persone (Parlare delle persone nella foto: cosa fanno, chi sono che rapporto cè tra di loro, la loro età, cosa indossano) 3. Il luogo (Identificare e descrivere il luogo/lambiente, identificare la posizione precisa delle cose principali) This picture shows a family celebrating a childs birthday in the kitchen. In this picture there are some people taking a walk in a park. This is a picture of a busy office. Cosa stanno facendo Chi sono Quanti anni hanno Cosa sentono Cosa indossano Shes sitting inside / outside a café. In the background theres a street market / an old building/ a square / a restaurant / a field This picture is taken in the country/ in a street/ in the mountains/ in the beach Behind the desk there is a window. Next to the window, on the floor, theres a large plant.
2. Le persone (Parlare delle persone nella foto: cosa fanno, chi sono che rapporto cè tra di loro, la loro età, cosa indossano) Cosa stanno facendo Theres a man sitting at a desk. / Shes standing in a queue. Theyre having a meal. Some people are sunbathing and others are swimming in the sea. Chi sono Hes probably a shop assistant and shes a customer. Shes a waitress. / Hes propably the boys father.
Quanti anni hanno Hes about 50 years old. / Theyre in their twenties. Shes a teenager/ a young child/ a middle-aged woman. Theyre quite young. Cosa sentono He looks bored. He seems a bit frightened. Maybe its the first time hes tried this sport. Cosa indossano Shes wearing a pair of shorts and a sweatshirt. Theyre wearing quite casual/smart/conservative/ trendy clothes. Hes wearing a uniform. 2. Le persone
Strategie utili: quando ci sfugge una parola Its something you fry food in (a frying pan) Its a kind of container for flowers (a vase) Its a cupboard for keeping clothes in (a wardrobe) Its a policeman who directs the traffic (a traffic warden) Its a shop where you can buy meat (a butchers) Its a bird that lives by the sea (a seagull)
Strategie utili: Ipotizzare (interpretazioni personali, non affermazioni categoriche) It might be summer because most peple are wearing light clothes. They could be American because of their car. They seem quite young. She looks very interested in her work. Its propably in the country, because you can see a field through the window. I think its in the afternoon because of the light. Maybe these two girls are sisters. Perhaps hes tired.
Date:9th April Salutation: Dear, + First Name Dear Christine, Opening paragraph: reason/s for writing Im writing you to tell about a funny experience I had the other day, while I was leaving school… Main body: Narration of the events, desription of people, places, objects I was in the cafeteria and had just loaded up my lunch tray with food and a drink. My book bag was extraordinarily packed that day. Well, as I was making may way to my usual table to sit with my friends, the zipper on my over-stuffed book bag decided to break! … An informal letter
Closing paragraph: Closing remarks and set phrases to end your letter Has anything similar happened to you? If so, write me about it. XXX Your friend SignatureName
The Personnel Manager The Avalon Hotel 60 Sinclair Road London W14 OnJ 20 Newman St. London WI 20th October Dear Sir, Par. 1: I am writing to apply for the job of Receptionist I saw in yesterdays Daily Mirror. Par. 2: I am 20 years old. I finished school at the age of 18 at the N. Thames College… Par. 3: I would like to work as a receptionist because I enjoye my previous work experience in a hotel in Cannes. Par. 4: There I worked as a receptionist at the Ambassador Hotel for six months and therefore I master the French Language quite well. Par. 5: Even though I liked the job, I left it because I wanted to work in my country. Par. 6: You will find herewith enclosed a C.V. and a copy of my school-leaving certificate. My last employers have agreed to act as referees supplying evidence of my ability to work efficiently. I feel I am adequately qualified for the post you offer and I hope you will call me for an interview. »Yours sincerely »Name and Surname