USA and Canada Unit 4 Review
Beringia Land bridge that once connected Siberia and Alaska
The Northeast In what part of the US did Europeans first settle?
Appalachian Mountains Mountain range in eastern North America which creates a barrier to east-west travel.
Columbian Exchange The exchange of plants, animals, disease, and people / slaves between the old world (Eastern Hemisphere) and new worlds. (Western Hemisphere)
Metis People of mixed French and Native heritage
Melting Pot Is similar to…? assimilation - the process of adjusting to the customs and attitudes of a group or nation. A person or a group's language/ culture comes to resemble those of another group.
Mosaic Is similar to…? Multiculturalism - is the cultural diversity of communities within a given society and the policies that promote this diversity.
Catholic and Protestant Christianity Religion of this region
Parliament a system where legislative and executive functions are combined
Prime Minister Head of government in a Parliament Stephen Harper
Representative Democracy Form of government in which people rule through elected representatives.
French and English 2 Official Languages of Canada
Canadian Population Most of Canada’s population lives… within 100 miles of their southern border. why? Climate
St. Lawrence Seaway North America’s most important deepwater ship route Joint project between USA & Canada Connects the Great Lakes with the Atlantic Ocean Why are locks important? Allow ships to travel to different bodies of water with different water elevations
USA and Canadian Border Longest undefended border in the world.
Transcontinental Railroad Helped with the settlement of the Western United States.
Hoover Dam Arizona and Nevada It was built to control floods. It was built to provide irrigation water. It was built to produce hydroelectric power.
Mississippi River What is the longest river in the United States?
Megalopolis Region where several large cities grow together Boswash
Post-Industrial Economy manufacturing (secondary economic activity) no longer plays a significant role in this economy.
Refugee someone forced to flee their country due to war, persecution or violence
Great Plains Staging point of war between Native Americans and American settlers Cities founded as railroad hubs for cattle Home to farming and cattle industries Many small towns with fewer cities
Prairie Provinces Wheat, petroleum, and coal “shale oil” reserves
Northeast States Longest history of European settlement, Gateway to immigrants Urban areas are major economic centers Diverse population
Southern States Formerly based on slavery and cash crops Moving from primary to secondary and tertiary sectors Strongly Christian
Maritime/ Atlantic Provinces Easternmost provinces Cod fishing The Grand Banks
Midwest/ Rustbelt Manufacturing/ blue-collar center Recent decline in industry Depressed economy Declining urban population
Core Provinces Home to ⅔ of the population Settled along Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River Divided between British and French origins Niagra Falls Ontario
Western Provinces Borders Pacific Ocean Centered on Vancouver Similar to the US Pacific Northwest
Pacific West States Population boom during 1840s Gold Rush Home to mining, ranching, high tech, and entertainment industries Rapidly increasing urban population due to high birth rate and immigration
Western Interior States “Wild West” Reservation Lands Low population density
Where is... The USA Canada Washington DC Ottawa Rocky Mts Appalachian Mts St. Lawrence Seaway Hudson Bay Lake Superior Atlantic Ocean Greenland
Where is... Bering Strait Gulf of Mexico Yukon Mojave Desert Alaska Range Great Basin Desert Rio Grande River Mt. Logan Mackenzie River Mt. McKinley Colorado River Death Valley
Where is... Missouri River Lake Huron Ohio River Lake Erie Arkansas River Cascade Range (Mts) Great Salt Lake Painted Desert
Where is... Syria Iraq Sierra Leone Guinea Liberia