Introduction to the Shopping Bag Action Group SBAG--Ithaca Prepared by Tom Shelley June, 2007
1.14 million paper bags per hour used in the U.S. alone.
Closeup of Chis Jordan's artwork
60,000 plastic bags per second used in U.S
Closeup of Chis Jordan's artwork
What are the problems with paper bags? Tens of millions of trees are cut down to make paper bags—14,000,000 in the U.S. alone last year. The carbon sink that is trees is being badly depleted. Huge energy inputs are required, mostly from fossil fuels, to make, transport and recycle paper products. 2511 BTUs to make a new bag Paper manufacturer is one of the most polluting industries. Millions of tons of mostly acidic waste and chlorine are poured into the environment each year. Of the 10 billion brown paper bags used in the U.S. each year almost all are virgin paper.
What are the problems with plastic bags? Plastic is forever—a tremendous environmental pollutant. HDPE/LDPE plastics used to make most bags are made of oil. 17.2 million gallons of oil were used to make the 4 trillion thin plastic shopping bags used globally last year. 50% of our oil is foreign oil. Huge energy inputs required for production, transportation and recycling. 594 BTUs to make a new bag Increases carbon footprint and GHG emissions.
What are alternatives? There are many types of reusable shopping bags and baskets available, such as those sold by TC Solid Waste. Major supermarket chains are selling polypropylene bags with their logo on them. Biodegradable bags of various types and garbage can liners are available. Other alternatives are being investigated. Long run: Reduce packaging of consumer goods. More post consumer recycling Encourage composting—TC solid waste to do?
Shopping Bag Action Group We are a group of local citizens promoting the use of reusable shopping bags. We are also promoting the enactment of local legislation to ban plastic (HDPE) shopping bags and virgin brown paper (Kraft) bags in Ithaca and Tompkins Co. This would be similar to legislation passed in San Francisco CA and many other locations in the U.S. and Canada, including the entire country of Australia.
Shopping Bag Action Group Activities so far: Education, Education, Education Tabling activities (3 events to date) Petition (about 250 signatures so far) Partnering with other organizations EMC TC Solid Waste Sustainable Tompkins WHCU radio interview
Shopping Bag Action Group Future activities: Increase active membership More tabling events (July 7 event, Commons) Press release Letters to editors (EMS Education Committee) Promoting/selling reusable bags/baskets Working with TC Solid Waste to purchase poly bags Long term goals– education/outreach in schools Work with local vendors to charge back for single use bags?
References Chris Jordan photographic arts