Question 1: We are already using paper bags, do we need to start charging? Yes, a store can continue to make available the sale of a recycled paper bag at check-out for a minimum sales price beginning Jan. 1, (See ordinance and presentation slide (#4) “Store Charge Requirements”) The recycled paper bags must be: Made of at least 40% post-consumer recycled content paper. 100% recyclable (including handles). Contain no old growth fiber. Printing Requirements: Words “Recyclable” and “Reusable.” Name and location of manufacturer. Percentage of post-consumer recycled content. (See ordinance and presentation slide (#5) “Recycled Paper Bags”) Clarification Responses to Webinar Questions
Question 2: Are WIC or food stamp customers exempt of store charge for recycled paper bags? (Customers as defined in Section (E)) A WIC or food stamp customer is participating in the WIC or food stamp program when they purchase WIC or food stamp qualified food or merchandise, and that transaction is exempt from the requirement to charge a minimum price for the sale of recycled paper bags. When a customer purchases food or merchandise which does not qualify for the WIC or food stamp program, he or she is not participating in the WIC or food stamp program and that transaction (i.e. purchase of liquor) is not exempt from the requirement to charge a minimum price for the sale of recycle paper bags. Clarification Responses to Webinar Questions
Question 3: Is a wine bottle that is placed in a paper bag exempt from the ordinance requirements? If only one bottle of wine or other alcohol is purchased, the store would be required to sell a recycled paper bag for a minimum price or place the bottle in a reusable bag. (See ordinance, and presentation slides (#5) “Recycled Paper Bags” and (#6) “Reusable Bags”) If a wine bottle or other alcohol is to be placed together with other items in a reusable bag or recycled paper bag, stores may put the bottle in a protective bag to prevent damage or contamination with other food or merchandise. Clarification Responses to Webinar Questions
Use of Protective Bags: Protective bags are not prohibited if they meet certain requirements. (See ordinance section (I)) Requirements: 1. Do not have handles; AND 2. Are used to transport produce from produce department, bulk food from bulk food area, meat from the meat department, or prescription medication from a pharmacy; OR 3. Are used to segregate food or merchandise that could damage or contaminate other food or merchandise when placed together in a reusable bag or recycled paper bag. Clarification Responses to Webinar Questions