Ed.D. Program in Educational Leadership
Doctorate of Education Senate Bill 724 Section 1(b) states: ″The Doctor of Education degree… shall be focused on preparing administrative leaders for CA public elementary and secondary schools & community colleges….”
Program Mission Prepare informed and reflective educational leaders Who ethically apply critical skills of evaluation, analysis, synthesis, and action To ensure excellence and equity in educational practices, and Serve as stewards to the education community
The Ed.D. Intended for practitioner Dissertations address: local issues that focus on solving current problems of practice, and influence the wider education community
Objectives of the CSUF Program to Develop Professionals Objectives of the CSUF Program to Develop Professionals Critical thinkers Able researchers and change agents Professionals who value diversity Experts in instructional leadership
University and Partners Develop Degree Program Ed.D. Program Advisory Board ½ Partners ½ Faculty CSUF Members: Dean of the College of Education Associate VP Academic Affairs Chair of the Graduate Education Committee Chair of the Faculty Group Chair of Department of Educational Leadership Ed.D. Program Director Faculty member in the program from an academic unit different from the Ed.D. Program Director Executive Board ½ Partners ½ Faculty Includes program Director Admission Committee ½ Partners ½ Faculty Includes program Director Ed.D. Faculty Group CSU Campus Faculty in Academic Unit Administering Program and in Other Academic Units PreK-12 Educational Leaders Community College Educational Leaders
Demanding Nature of Program Demanding Nature of Program “ Fast-track” 3-year completion time 60 units Cohort program---difficult to “stop-out.” Year-round program---fall, spring & summer terms Courses--first two years Dissertation—third year
Structure of the Program Designed in collaboration with district and community college partners Designed with supportive structures to enable completion in 3 years Classes typically meet one night a week plus just one additional day per month
Mentors Each student selects a professional mentor who is/was a leader with a doctoral degree: Mentors are volunteers Mentors support mid-career professionals as they face many stress points and manage academic, professional, family and personal demands
Time to Degree Year 1Year 2Year 3 Courses Dissertation Qualifying Examination Dissertation Proposal Exam Oral Defense of Dissertation
Content of the Program 4 types of courses Leadership Research 4 Types of Course 12 units
Content of the Program Leadership Foundations courses address the theory and practical applications of scholarship in the various topics addressed, including: organizational theory epistemology history of education structure of modern education
Content of the Program Leadership Research Research Methodology 4 Types of Courses 12 units 21units
Content of the Program Research Methodology courses address the processes for gathering and analyzing data, including: quantitative and qualitative analysis mixed methods of inquiry
Content of the Program Leadership Research Research Methodology Specialization 4 Types of Courses 12 units 21 units 15 units
Content of the Program Specialization courses are courses in the two specializations. They have separate syllabi which focus on the particular needs of leaders for PreK-12 or Community College Topics include: Assessment/evaluation Curricular and Instructional Practices Social Contexts and Educational Politics Human Dimensions of Change and Reform Resource Management & Development
Content of the Program Leadership Foundations Research Methodology Specialization Research Support Seminars 4 Types of Courses 15 units 12 units 21 units 12 units
Content of the Program Research Support Seminars are small group seminars Embed the development of a research proposal for the dissertation throughout the academic terms The instructors meet with the same group of students each semester (where possible), providing a stable advisor relationship Students assigned to groups based on their early research plans.
Typical Semester 3 unit Leadership or Specialization Course 3 unit Research Course 2 unit Research Support Seminar
Year 1 First Fall Leadership EDD 627 Epistemology, History, and Structure of Education Specialization EDD 605 Collection and Analysis of Assessment Data OR EDD 621B Overview of Higher Education\Community College: Systems, Organizational Development and Structure, and Campus Cultures. Research Support EDD 670A Linking Research to Problems of Practice First Spring Leadership EDD 600 Org. Theory & Challenges for Leadership Research EDD 601 Methods of Research: Quantitatively-Based Tools Research Support EDD 670B Connecting Research Questions to Scholarship in the Discipline First Summer Specialization EDD 621A Leadership of Curricular & Instructional Practices OR EDD 630 Leadership for Change and Collaboration Research EDD 602 Methods of Research: Qualitatively-Based Tools Research Support EDD 670C Written Qualifying Examination
Qualifying Exam Administered after the first three terms of the program. Passing the exam advances the student to candidacy. The exam will assess students’ ability to: 1. Analyze and synthesize course content 2. Apply theory to practice 3. Critically analyze scholarly research 4. Communicate clearly through writing
Year 2 Second Fall Specialization EDD 624A Social Contexts of Ed. Politics, Policy, Governance OR 624B Student Learning and Development Research EDD 603/606 Specialization in Qual- or Quant-based Tools Research Support EDD 670D Refining Research Questions Second Spring Specialization EDD 622A Human Dimensions of Ed’l Ch OR 622B Resource Management and Development Leadership EDD 620 Ethical & Legal Dimensions of Leadership Research Support EDD 670E Scholarly Defense of a Proposition Second Summer Leadership EDD 604 Forecasting & Planning Specialization EDD 626A Transforming through Resource Optimization OR EDD 626B Professional Seminars in Higher Education\Community College Studies and Leadership Development Research Support EDD 670F IRB Approval and Proposal Defense
Year 3 Third Fall Research EDD 698 Dissertation Third Spring Research EDD 698 Dissertation Third Summer Research EDD699 Independent Study
Faculty Experts in educational leadership All earned Ed.D/Ph.D. Full-time tenure track faculty provide instruction for courses All were practitioners in education in K-12 or community college/higher ed. All are researchers engaged in local education problems effecting schools and colleges.
The People Make the Program Faculty are: Experts and practitioners Researchers engaged in local education problems Experienced and Dedicated Dr. L. Adler politics of education Dr. D. Choi teacher study, equity, & resources Dr. E. Fujimoto higher education/community college Dr. J. Hoffman leadership & college impact Dr. J. Hunter leadership/org management
The People Make the Program Dr. J. Lee adult learning & technology Dr. R. Oliver administrator roles & responsibilities Dr. D. Person climate and social justice Dr. K. Stichter district/school climate Dr. E. Zarate equity and educational experiences
The People Make the Program Students are: Diverse working professionals Vice Presidents, Deans Assistant Principals, and Principals Faculty\Administrative leaders and counselors Invested in CA. Community Colleges or Prek-12 Interested in change Educational leaders Professionals who are committed to and value diversity Invested in the learning process and the cohort concept
Center for Research on Educational Access and Leadership (C-REAL) Research on local educational problems in PreK-12 and Community Colleges that is systemic and solution focused Research includes program intervention effectiveness, assessment and evaluation Involves a partnership between local educational agencies, schools, and colleges along with CSUF doctoral faculty and graduate students. Outcomes include dissemination of findings through publications and presentations.
Transfer Credit Applicants can request transfer credit for units that meet these conditions: Usually no more than 12 units Doctoral credit level Taken in the last two years Has similar catalog description Appear on an official transcript from an accredited institution of higher education Grade of B or better.
ADMISSION DEADLINES The Application Deadline For Fall Feb. 1 st Community College March 1 st PreK-12 Leadership For Information On The Application Process, Visit ed.fullerton.edu/edd/ OR Call OR
Admission Requirements a.earned baccalaureate degree and master's degree from accredited institutions of higher education with a GPA in upper division and graduate study of 3.0 or above b.sufficient preparation and experience pertinent to educational leadership to benefit from the program c. submission of Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores on the three GRE tests, taken within the last five years d. demonstrated educational leadership potential and skills including successful experience in school, postsecondary, community, and/or policy leadership
e.demonstrated academic excellence, problem- solving ability, and an interest in critically assessing and bringing about improvements within current educational policies and practices f.three confidential recommendation forms attesting to the leadership ability and scholarship of the candidate g.written statement of purpose reflecting understanding of the challenges facing the public schools or community colleges/institutions of higher education in California
h.professional resume (including whether the application has proficiency in a second language--not required for admission or to complete the program) i.examples of professional writing j.Employer/District Support Agreement, in the cases where this is not provided, an indication of the candidate’s plan for meeting the demands of the program and his/her professional responsibilities k.response to a writing prompt administered on- campus prior to the interview l.interview with the Admissions Committee
Elements of the Application Application fee-$55 CSU Grad Application 10a Program objective = PreK-12 Leadership Community College b Degree Objective = 8—Doctoral 11Credential Objective = K-12 Professional Administrative Code = 502 Supplemental Ed.D. Application Statement of purpose Professional Resume Writing sample Three Recommendation Forms Employer/District Support Agreement GRE Score Report CSUF Code 4589 Department Code 3001 Transcripts from all universities and community colleges
Part II of Supplemental Application Part II of Supplemental Application Please submit each of these parts on separate pages. A. What preparation and experience make you well- qualified to benefit from an Ed.D. program? B. What two or three accomplishments demonstrate your educational leadership potential and skills? You may consider successful achievements in school, in postsecondary institutions, in your community, and/or more generally in policy leadership.
C.Please provide evidence that demonstrates your ability to succeed in a rigorous doctoral program. Include the following: your problem-solving ability, your interest in critically assessing and improving educational policies and practices, your proficiency with technology, and your ability to devote significant time and attention to doctoral program study.
A GRE score considerably below the 50th percentile, especially in the Verbal Subset or the writing portion, often is predictive that the individual will struggle with the writing entailed in the doctoral program. Prepare for the GRE by reviewing one of the test preparation books or by logging on to the GRE Web site ( and using its on-line preparation. GRE?
A. A. Application will be evaluated in its entirety. B. B. Review of graduate and undergraduate GPA, and supplemental application materials (your statement of purpose, and the quality and significance of your writing sample). C. C. Reviewed by faculty and partners who are practitioners in PreK-12 or Community College settings. Review of Application Review of Application
Critical Issues in Admissions Decisions Critical Issues in Admissions Decisions Leadership potential Potential for significant professional contributions Analytical ability Writing skills Interest in research Commitment to academic success of students from all backgrounds Commitment to support historically disenfranchised community partnerships Desire to support change processes in educational institutions
How much will the program cost? How much will the program cost? The fees are based on a year-round program and includes the cost of summer session. We expect fees to be collected prior to the beginning of each session in three equal amounts (fall, spring, and summer). The CSU’s fee is never greater than that set by the UC System $17,754 Additional fee information by term is available at the Student Financial Services website. Student Financial Services website
Student Aid The Financial Aid Office has a designated counselor for doctoral students Traditional student loans are available for Ed.D. students through the Financial Aid Office A portion of the fees students pay will be used to support students in a variety of ways such as: Need-based assistance with tuition and books Purchase of items to support research such as laptop computers, software, office supplies, etc. Support for travel to academic conferences and for research Journal subscriptions Career placement costs Other student support expenses
Everyone Completes FAFSA LINK TO FINANCIAL AID WEBSITE AT CSU FULLERTON Free Application for Federal Student Aid—FAFSA Most graduate students are eligible for some form of financial aid. You should complete a FAFSA form when you are considering applying for graduate school programs. You can list multiple campuses and programs on the application. This form is required in order to receive grants, loans, and scholarships. WHAT IS FAFSA? HOW TO COMPLET A FAFSA? Must be renewed each year!!
EDD WEB SITE For more information about the program, and requirements, please visit.