Project Online ECIJANOS Using digital imaging and video technology to enhance instruction, administration, and documentation ERICSON S. SABACAN, Ed.D. 7 September 2006
Project Online ECIJANOS Empowering school personnel Creating curriculum materials Integrating ICT in instruction Joining ICT programs Adapting technological systems Nurturing students learning Opening of ICT to all Searching for computer wizards
E–mpowering school personnel Training of principals, teachers and staff Distance Learning Program School-based training program Microsoft related trainings
C–reating curriculum materials Production of instructional materials Video Lessons Powerpoint Presentations Enhancement of ICT Curriculum Implementation of ICT in major subjects Preparation of online evaluation tools
I-ntegrating ICT Demonstration teaching through CAI and video lessons Observation of classes Using Video Technology in preparation of school reports, documentation and instructional materials
J-oining ICT Programs Intel Teach to the Future Programs Microsoft Philippines contests and trainings Other stakeholders related ICT activities
A-dapting technological systems Innovations in education using the power of computer and video technology - Preparation of Students Records and Forms - Observation of Classes on Video
N-urturing students learning Preparation of students activity materials Administration of test using computers “Plug and Play” Plug or watch a video lesson and Play enrichment activities in computer
O-pening ICT to all Inspired by Education For All Program Opening of official website Bringing ICT to far flung areas - Mobile Personal Computer Program - School-Community ICT Training
S-earching for Computer Wizards Digital Documentary Festival 2006 Search for Computer Wizards
BENEFITS School Administrators and Officials Teachers Students/Pupils Community People, Parents & PTCA Others
Issues and Challenges Limited Resources Lack of Training Lack of Support Integration and Implementation
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