How to Apply for On-Campus Jobs Through MonsterTRAK Career Center
Step 1: All On-Campus jobs are posted on MonsterTRAK. The only way to apply for these jobs is through the Career Center website located at: QUICK LINKS, then Career Center. On the CC homepage click on the link for on-campus student jobs. Step 1: All On-Campus jobs are posted on MonsterTRAK. The only way to apply for these jobs is through the Career Center website located at: QUICK LINKS, then Career Center. On the CC homepage click on the link for on-campus student jobs.
Step 2: Click on the link to download the on- campus application and save it to a disk if you are on a computer off the campus or on your network drive at USC Upstate. If you don’t know how to access your network drive now is the time to learn how! Visit the Information Technology Services website at this location and read the instructions. Step 2: Click on the link to download the on- campus application and save it to a disk if you are on a computer off the campus or on your network drive at USC Upstate. If you don’t know how to access your network drive now is the time to learn how! Visit the Information Technology Services website at this location and read the instructions.
Step 3: Fill out the application beginning at the top by putting in the date. Competition is high for on- campus jobs so you want to make sure this document is always up to date and has your current hours of availability on it at all times. About WORKSTUDY – You can only apply for workstudy jobs if you have the workstudy award. If you aren’t sure call the Financial Aid office at DO NOT select yes if you are not sure!! Step 3: Fill out the application beginning at the top by putting in the date. Competition is high for on- campus jobs so you want to make sure this document is always up to date and has your current hours of availability on it at all times. About WORKSTUDY – You can only apply for workstudy jobs if you have the workstudy award. If you aren’t sure call the Financial Aid office at DO NOT select yes if you are not sure!!
Step 4: After you have completed your application and saved it go back to the Career Center Student Resources webpage and click on the MonsterTRAK Login link.
Step 5: Register as a first time user Notice the returning users login box. That is where you will login in the future once your profile is created. Also note the FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD? link that is available for you to use! Step 5: Register as a first time user Notice the returning users login box. That is where you will login in the future once your profile is created. Also note the FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD? link that is available for you to use!
Step 6: Start by putting in your address provided by USC Upstate. If you don’t know how to use your on-campus now is the time to learn how. Visit the Information Technology Services website at this location and read the instructions. Step 6: Start by putting in your address provided by USC Upstate. If you don’t know how to use your on-campus now is the time to learn how. Visit the Information Technology Services website at this location and read the instructions.
Step 7: On this page make sure all the fields are completed. The address you provide is the one we will job postings to.
Step 8: If you check no on all of these options you will still received job posting announcements from your USC Upstate Career Center.
Step 9: You now need to post your on-campus application as a resume to be able to apply for on-campus jobs.
Step 10: Follow Sections 1 to 5 here making sure you are putting your application in the On-Campus Application 2007 Section 3. Hit the Browse… button to find your application file on your computer or network drive. Then upload your file.
Step 11: The MonsterTRAK system pulls the file from your location and takes a picture of it. That is why you need to remember where you stored your application file to make changes to it in the future. After you see the preview click SAVE RESUME.
Step 16: This file only needs to be available to the Career Center so check the middle button here.
Step 12: You are now ready to apply for jobs so click on the jobs link.
The Jobs link is also available on the main login page
Step 13: Search for on-campus jobs by checking the box at the bottom of this page. If you have the workstudy award you will also want to check the additional box.
Step 14: All available jobs on-campus should be listed here. To view the jobs click on their links
Step 15: Read the job carefully to see if you can work the hours listed for the job and to check to see if you meet the qualifications. Then to apply for the job click the link to do so.
Step 16: You haven’t applied yet! Make sure that your on- campus application is selected and click on Resume Now
This is the last step, after this point your application was ed to the employer. Now here are a couple of suggestions to help you find an on-campus job: There hundreds of USC Upstate students looking for a on-campus job so keep you application up to date and make sure your grammar is correct on the application. The on-campus employers that post jobs are the ones that collect applications, review them, and decide who they want to interview and hire. If you want to ask a question about a job posting or follow-up please contact them directly. Their phone numbers are listed on their job posting. IF YOU WANT TO RECEIVE INTERNSHIPS, PART-TIME OR FULL- TIME OFF CAMPUS JOBS PLEASE CONTINUE ON AND FOLLOW THE ADDITIONAL STEPS ON THIS PRESENTATION. This is the last step, after this point your application was ed to the employer. Now here are a couple of suggestions to help you find an on-campus job: There hundreds of USC Upstate students looking for a on-campus job so keep you application up to date and make sure your grammar is correct on the application. The on-campus employers that post jobs are the ones that collect applications, review them, and decide who they want to interview and hire. If you want to ask a question about a job posting or follow-up please contact them directly. Their phone numbers are listed on their job posting. IF YOU WANT TO RECEIVE INTERNSHIPS, PART-TIME OR FULL- TIME OFF CAMPUS JOBS PLEASE CONTINUE ON AND FOLLOW THE ADDITIONAL STEPS ON THIS PRESENTATION.
The Career Center office will need more information in your profile section to be able to you information on internships and job opportunities so click on the User Profile to continue.
Step 9: Make sure that your class standing and degree area are inputted here correctly. USC Upstate VIP does not break out your major GPA so put n/a or cumulative in the top and bottom. Incoming Freshman can put their High School GPA or n/a Step 9: Make sure that your class standing and degree area are inputted here correctly. USC Upstate VIP does not break out your major GPA so put n/a or cumulative in the top and bottom. Incoming Freshman can put their High School GPA or n/a
In this section it is important that you select the correct selections in the Career Center Services Desired Section. Hold the control key down to make multiple selections. About WORKSTUDY – You can only apply for workstudy jobs if you have the workstudy award. If you aren’t sure call the Financial Aid office at In this section it is important that you select the correct selections in the Career Center Services Desired Section. Hold the control key down to make multiple selections. About WORKSTUDY – You can only apply for workstudy jobs if you have the workstudy award. If you aren’t sure call the Financial Aid office at
If you are only looking for an on- campus or part-time job right now this section doesn’t have to be too specific. Just make sure that you put that you are actively searching in the Job Search Status section to receive job postings from the Career Center office. Note: In the future you may want to start receiving internship opportunities and even full-time job postings via . At that point go back and adjust this are to be more specific in all of these sections. If you are only looking for an on- campus or part-time job right now this section doesn’t have to be too specific. Just make sure that you put that you are actively searching in the Job Search Status section to receive job postings from the Career Center office. Note: In the future you may want to start receiving internship opportunities and even full-time job postings via . At that point go back and adjust this are to be more specific in all of these sections.
This section is self explanatory. Note: International students who have F-1 (student) visa status may apply for on- campus employment opportunities at USC Upstate. Social security numbers are not required to apply for an on-campus job. If the student is offered a position, the campus employer must send an e- mail to Donette Stewart at: to confirm employment before a letter can be issued to present to the social security administration to apply for a social security number. The social security administration does not issue social security numbers for F-1 visa holders without verification of employment from USC Upstate.Donette Stewart This section is self explanatory. Note: International students who have F-1 (student) visa status may apply for on- campus employment opportunities at USC Upstate. Social security numbers are not required to apply for an on-campus job. If the student is offered a position, the campus employer must send an e- mail to Donette Stewart at: to confirm employment before a letter can be issued to present to the social security administration to apply for a social security number. The social security administration does not issue social security numbers for F-1 visa holders without verification of employment from USC Upstate.Donette Stewart
If You Get Called for an on-campus Interview: Arrive 10 minutes before your interview. Dress neatly and preferably in business attire. Make sure you are clear about what the duties of the job are before you leave. Workstudy does not mean that you can work and do your homework. Jobs on-campus are there because they need you to work! If You Get Called for an on-campus Interview: Arrive 10 minutes before your interview. Dress neatly and preferably in business attire. Make sure you are clear about what the duties of the job are before you leave. Workstudy does not mean that you can work and do your homework. Jobs on-campus are there because they need you to work! Call the Career Center if you have any questions or drop by our office for guided assistance between the hours of 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday – Friday. Phone: