WHAT LED US INTO RECOMENDING THIS SYSTEM?? The amount of mishaps that happen on free ways due to high traffic densities and undue stress of driving on drivers. Wastage of fuel due to several factors like unscientific methods of driving. Inability to track the exact location where the bus is currently in. High pollution due to incomplete combustion of fuel.
WHAT WE ENSURE IF OUR SYSTEM IS EMPLOYED? Limiting the maximum speed of the bus Minimizing the stress levels of the bus driver. Economical usage of fuel. Tracking the current position of the bus. Safety of the passengers. Making the vehicle more ecofriendly.
WHAT TECHNOLOGY WE USE? Neural logic Global Positioning System
Layout of our system
CENTRAL COMPUTER This unit is the heart of our system. It links to other computers via GPS. ON BOARD COMPUTER On receiving inputs from the Centralized control terminal, the on board computer will limit the maximum speed of the vehicle with the help of an Electronic Control Unit (ECU) and Throttle Valve sensors
ELECTRONIC CONTROL UNIT It receives messages from various sources from the on board computer After processing the information, it either instructs an actuator (stepper motor) to perform some physical action like positioning of the throttle valve. It can also store the data away in its memory for use at some time in the near future. INTELLIGENT SENSORS Electronic sensors perform the role of information gathering in this system. Each sensor feeds the electronic control unit (ECU) with information relating to some particular mechanical action (throttle position). Sensors used in this system are Throttle position sensor, Speed sensor and the Lambda sensor.
Throttle Position Sensor This Sensor is often a Potentiometer; which is a means for altering the electric potential. In this case the throttle is connected to a contact blade, which wipers across the resistor coil. As the throat is opened the number of resistor coils is reduced. Speed sensor These sensors are used for the purpose of measuring the speed and this feedback is sent to electronic control unit. There are many types of speed sensors namely magnetic reluctance and Hall effect type sensors.
Lambda Sensor or Oxygen Sensor The sensor designed to signal when combustion in an engine cylinder completely burns the fuel enables the engine management systems to operate effectively irrespective of the mechanical state of the engine. It estimates the amount of Oxygen in the exhaust. So one can be aware of the extent of Combustion. This in turn helps us to keep a check on air pollution
CONCLUSION By presenting this paper we have provided a source for economic usage of fuel and to reduce the effect of pollution in the atmosphere. Together with provision of considerable passenger safety and minimizing the stress levels of the driver. We feel such a system would be really useful for implementation in real time situations.