Mountain Goat By: Jaidon
Physical Characteristics Mountain goats are 5 ½ ft. in length. Mountain goats weigh lbs. Mountain goats have white fur to match their snowy home in the mountains.
Lifespan Mountain goats can live years of age.
Eating Habbits/Diet Mountain goats are herbivores. They eat grasses, sedges, herbs, shrubs, and ferns.
Population Right now in North America there is an estimate of 100,000 mountain goats.
Habitat/Range Mountain goats live in the Rocky Mountains of North Western North America and South Western Alaska.
Adaptations Mountain goats use their horns for fighting. Mountain goats use their hooves for climbing mountains. Mountain goats use their snowy camouflage to hide from predators.
Fun Facts You can tell the age of a mountain goat by the number of rings on a mountain goat’s horns.
Endangered Because Mountain goats are endangered because of mostly mountain lions and golden eagles eating them.
Reference Defenders of the Wild