Digital Citizenship Safety in the Digital Age In this presentation students will learn a variety of ways to keep themselves and others safe on the Internet while using digital tools. It may be used to present a whole class lesson on digital safety or as an individually self-paced student learning module. It could also be the basis of an Assignment Builder activity on the Discovery Education website. Internet Safety is just one component in a unit on the Nine Themes of Digital Citizenship.Nine Themes of Digital Citizenship Suitable grade levels: Patricia Ruffing EDIM508 Citations
This learning module supports the following standards: Standards Alignment 5. Digital Citizenship Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior. 5a. Students advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology. (NETS - National Educational Technology Standards – 2007)
Safety in the Digital Age Choose Social Networking Good Sites, Bad Sites Words and Pictures In Cyberspace Cyberbullying Scams Online Shopping Review and Quiz Citations Intro
Bad Neighborhoods WATCH REVIEW
Bad Neighborhoods REVIEW 1.entice you to make an unwise purchase 2. try to steal personal information 3. contain illegal or immoral content 4. have unreliable information 5. try to get your address
Social Networking REVIEW 1.Can be used by criminals to target victims 2.Always restrict access to personal page and information 3.Avoid emotional attachments to online acquaintances
Words and Pictures in Cyberspace REVIEW 1.… use screen names giving clues about your identity 2.… reveal last name, phone or address to online acquaintances. 3.…send photos to online acquaintances. 4.…share usernames or passwords with online acquaintances. 5.…allow anyone but known friends to access a social network page. 6. …make arrangements to meet an online acquaintance. NEVER…NEVER…
Online Shopping REVIEW 1.Look for “https” in browser address window. 2.Look for lock icon on the browser page. 3.Order only from well-known companies. 4.Check for the company’s street address. 5.Check for a clearly stated return policy. 6.Use only a browser that verifies the site is “safe ”.
Scams REVIEW 1.Phony donations websites 2.Online auction fraud 3. Problem with your account 4.“Congratulations, You’ve Won!” scams 5.Foreigner needs an assistant or a money transfer 6.Nigerian “419” letter
Cyberbullying REVIEW 1.Can occur in , text messages, blogs, social websites, IMs 2.Is a sign of immaturity 3.Can result in suicide, assault, murder, criminal charges 4.Has consequences that vary from state to state 5.Should be ignored if possible 6.Serious threats should be reported to parents, teachers, or police
Internet Safety Review WATCH Take the Quiz
Video Quiz ANSWER Citations
Video Segments Internet Safety: Pitfalls and Dangers. Colman Communications Discovery Education. 16 September 2009 Images Internet Safety: Pitfalls and Dangers. Colman Communications Discovery Education. 16 September 2009 Face with Question Discovery Education. 18 September 2009 Audio Cartoon: Bell : Small Cartoon Bell Chime Single Hit Or Idea Accent Music Percussion Discovery Education. 17 September 2009