of the Cross The Way STATION 1 Jesus in the Garden. “So, could you not stay awake with me one hour?” Matthew 26:40 Just like the Disciples, today we.


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Presentation transcript:

of the Cross The Way

STATION 1 Jesus in the Garden. “So, could you not stay awake with me one hour?” Matthew 26:40 Just like the Disciples, today we also abandon Christ when we fail to stand in solidarity with the Majority World.

Holy Spirit, empower us to be people of witness.

Photo: CA STATION 2 Jesus betrayed by Judas. “What will you give me if I betray him to you?” Matthew 26:15 Give us the strength to answer the call to be faithful witnesses to Christ, advocating for justice for our Timorese neighbours.

Holy Spirit, empower us to be people of promise, loyalty and compassion.

STATION 3 Jesus condemned by the Sanhedrin. “All of them condemned him as deserving death.” Mark 14:64 Photo: Euipo Maiz Archbishop Oscar Romero, inspired by his faith, spoke out against violence, poverty and injustice. Like Jesus, he gave his life for the people of El Salvador.

Holy Spirit, empower us to be witnesses to your love through our defence of the poor.

STATION 4 Jesus denied by Peter. “Woman, I do not know him.” Luke 22:57 Photo: CA/Stroud How many times have we failed to see the face of Jesus in our brothers and sisters in the global village?

Holy Spirit, empower us to be witnesses of truth and justice.

STATION 5 Jesus condemned by the people. “All of them said ‘Let him be crucified!’ ” Matthew 27:22 Communities throughout the world are battling HIV and AIDS. Do we have the courage to overcome fear through education? To battle prejudice with love?

Holy Spirit, empower us to be witnesses of compassion and wisdom.

STATION 6 Jesus crowned with thorns and clothed in purple. “And the soldiers wove a crown of thorns and put it on his head, and they dressed him in a purple robe.” John 19:2 Photo credit: UNHCR The people of Darfur have experienced the pains of war, forcible displacement and physical deprivation. The search for peace through justice is a shared search; a way to find hope for the future.

Holy Spirit, empower us to be witnesses of hope.

Photo: CA/McCafferty STATION 7 Jesus carries the cross. “So they took Jesus; … carrying the cross by himself…” John 19:17 Every day, refugees seek asylum from fear, oppression and danger. The world must listen to those whose voices have lost their power.

Holy Spirit, empower us to be witnesses of inclusion.

STATION 8 Jesus assisted by Simon of Cyrene. “They compelled a passer-by …to carry his cross; it was Simon of Cyrene.” Mark 15:21 The people of the Solomon Islands are trying to rebuild their lives after suffering trauma and loss. They need not carry their burden alone. In partnership, we can make a difference.

Holy Spirit, empower us to be witnesses of solidarity.

STATION 9 Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem. “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children.” Luke 23:28 Photos: Caritas East Timor Lord, we pray for the women of our world; that people may see women as you do. Luisa, from Timor-Leste, supports survivors of domestic and sexual violence.

Holy Spirit, empower us to be advocates for the dignity and the rights of women.

Photo: UFPA STATION 10 Jesus is crucified. “There they crucified him, and with him two others, one on either side, with Jesus between them.” John 19:18 Lord, give us the strength and resolve to work for justice for our indigenous people. To move beyond just tolerance and work toward rights, recognition and reconciliation.

Holy Spirit, empower us to be witnesses who lead the way in upholding the rights and recognition of Indigenous people.

Photo: Heng STATION 11 Jesus speaks to the thief. “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” Luke 23:43 Kiribati is suffering from the effects of global warming, and future displacements from their homes. Lord, help us to open our eyes to the needs of others, especially our nearest neighbours.

Holy Spirit, empower us to be people of simplicity, integrity and care.

Photo: Sprague STATION 12 Jesus speaks to his mother. “When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing beside her, he said to his mother, ‘Woman, here is your son.’ ” John 19:26 In Cambodia, the maternal mortality rate is one of the highest in the world. Jesus saw the pain in his mother’s eyes as he hung on the cross. Jesus feels the pain of mothers who lose their children.

Holy Spirit, empower us to be people who challenge the structures and cultural influences that keep women poor and marginalised.

STATION 13 Jesus dies on the cross. “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” Luke 23:46 Photo: CA/McMahon Judy, from Papua New Guinea, spent her last years raising awareness about HIV/AIDS. Judy had heard the call of the Lord and was faithful to the end.

Holy Spirit, empower us to act with justice, love and tenderness.

STATION 14 Jesus is buried. “Then he took it down, wrapped it in a linen cloth, and laid it in a rock-hewn tomb…” Luke 23:53 What do we need to do to work for justice in the world? To uphold human dignity? Christ set the example for us of love, compassion and justice.

Holy Spirit, empower us to be people of passion, inspiration and peace.

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