HR User Group 8 th November 2007 Tom Reilly Annual leave for part time staff Change Management procedure Redeployment procedure
Annual Leave for Part-Time staff Part time staff receive pro rata annual leave Complicated legal picture with regard to “rolled up” holiday pay. ECJ decision said rolled up holiday pay is unlawful Individuals must be paid for holidays when they take them A bit of a nonsense given e.g. our part time teachers
Solution Term time only staff who get paid over 12 months – OK Otherwise pay staff for the hours they work and then calculate what annual leave they have accrued over the period. Submit a form 6 specifying annual leave payment E mail individual, tell them what they have accrued and that we are assuming them to have taken this leave over the next 6/8 weeks
Calculating accrued leave UCL annual leave policy, 27 plus 8 plus 6 pro rata However there are two variables for less than full time staff –Only accrue bank holidays that fall within the period of work, –and varies if work irregularly and less than 5 days per week This complicates the method of calculation Trying our best to simplify and make this comprehensible…..
Change Management New procedure, developed with trade unions, consulted SMT, SMM and HoDs Sets out the principles to be followed - propose, consult, consider and act. Sets context that change is to be embraced, must be carried out in consultation with those affected and they are empowered to contribute in the change process, and that once decided upon change will be implemented “as efficiently as possible”
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Redeployment As mentioned in May procedure has been under review Links in with Change Management but also at instigation of trade unions and as a result of challenges Procedures sets out what is to happen – previously there was only the database Database significantly overhauled to make it more user friendly to both redeployees and recruiting managers
Key Messages Redeployment can be a good thing (can save money and time in filling vacancies and can reduce time needed to induct) and it must be considered. We must use the procedure and encourage individuals at risk of redundancy to use it. Use of the database will be monitored