What is it? A Global Knowledge Library A truly global humanitarian technical library of guidelines, training materials and other knowledge Integrating UN Software and Standards Built on the UN/OCHA platform for Humanitarian Response, the replacement of OneResponse, to facilitate sharing with UN information resources Developed with a Humanitarian Knowledge Network Establishing a global community of practice to solidify the humanitarian collective memory and develop common knowledge management conventions
Why is it? Following UN/OCHA and IASC Objectives Aligned with UN/OCHA Strategic Objective 3.3: ‘Improved Organizational Learning and Development to Achieve Better Results’ and IASC ‘Transformative Agenda’ Filling the Knowledge Management Gap Humanitarian knowledge currently resides on websites of hundreds of thousands of agencies worldwide – where do you go to find what? Knowledge Management to Compliment Information Management Information management is supported, but not knowledge Knowledge= guidelines, manuals, training materials Information= news, situation reports, maps, statistics
Integration opportunities with UN/OCHA and IASC
Where are we? Project Proposal with UKAID Funding secured from USAID for a Shelter and Settlement Library Hold profiles of the thirty most vulnerable countries Develop and deliver a Humanitarian Knowledge Network
Breakout Questions Who Manages Knowledge? What is the role for "knowledge managers" in your organisation / sector? If so, what qualities / skill sets should they possess? At what point in the project chain might they be best positioned? Is the objective to better field activities or affect institutional change, or both?
Breakout Questions What are the Knowledge "Habits“ How do you nurture knowledge sharing? Which actors in the knowledge chain are using which tools? Where is the balance between computer-based knowledge exchange and people-to-people interaction?
Breakout Questions Types of Knowledge What knowledge should we be capturing? Where are the knowledge gaps? How should that knowledge be presented? How do we capture socio cultural knowledge so that it is useful to the project process, to avoid wasted resources and ineffective projects?