To learn how to form regular and irregular conditional tense verbs.


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Presentation transcript:

To learn how to form regular and irregular conditional tense verbs. FRENCH VERBS: CONDITIONAL TENSE Who is doing the verb? Which subject pronoun do I need? What do I need to do to create the stem for the verb? What are the correct endings that need to be added? AIMS: To learn how to recognise regular and irregular conditional tense verbs. To learn how to form regular and irregular conditional tense verbs.

What are conditional tense verbs? Conditional tense verbs describe an action that would happen in the future (if, for example, something else were to happen as well). Examples in English are: I would run and I would hide (if a bear was chasing me!). The first great thing about the conditional tense is that the endings are always the same. It is only the stem that changes (on occasions). The second great thing is that the endings are exactly the same as the imperfect tense.


VERBS ARE LIKE BUILDING BLOCKS BECAUSE THEY LOOK TO THE FUTURE VERBS ARE LIKE BUILDING BLOCKS BECAUSE THEY LOOK TO THE FUTURE. AS A RESULT, YOU ADD ENDINGS TO INFINITIVES. Think of it as building to the future OR in the case of the conditional tense, how things would be (in the future).

There is also a magic letter (ooooo!) All endings should come directly after the magic R in every case.

REGARDER FINIR RÉPONDRE REGARDER FINIR RÉPONDR_ That magic R is why we do a little bit of chopping when we remove the E from the –RE infinitives. REGARDER FINIR RÉPONDRE REGARDER FINIR RÉPONDR_

Step 1: Choose the correct subject pronoun (the person doing the verb).   ENGLISH FRENCH 1ST SINGULAR I je/j’ 2ND YOU tu 3RD HE/SHE/WE il/elle/on PLURAL WE nous vous THEY ils/elles

REGARDER FINIR RÉPONDRE REGARDER FINIR RÉPONDR_ That magic R is why we do a little bit of chopping when we remove the E from the –RE infinitives. REGARDER FINIR RÉPONDRE REGARDER FINIR RÉPONDR_

-ER -IR -RE Stem + ais Stem + ait Stem + ions Stem + iez Stem + aient Step 3: Add the correct ending to make the conditional tense. The great thing is that the endings are exactly the same as the imperfect tense! avoir -ER -IR -RE Je Stem + ais Stem + ait Stem + ions Stem + iez Stem + aient Tu il/elle/on Nous Vous ils/elles

Now you will see a demonstration of how to apply this knowledge in some examples. When creating verbs yourself, you can either use a paper dictionary or an online dictionary like

Remember: Practice makes perfect. Look at the following examples and conjugate verbs by following the patterns. Remember the 3 important steps. Pause the video to complete each task before carrying on. Remember: Practice makes perfect.

ER E.g. regarder to watch Je regarderais Tu regarderais Il/Elle regarderait Nous regarderions Vous regarderiez Ils/Elles regarderaient Conjugate 3 of these verbs following the same pattern as regarder: Aimer – to like (J’ in the “I” form) Jouer – to play Travailler – to work Marcher – to walk Dessiner – to draw Détester – to hate Copier – to copy Porter – to wear Écouter – to listen (J’ in the “I” form) Voyager – to travel Manger – to eat

IR E.g. finir to finish Je finirais Tu finirais Il/Elle finirait Nous finirions Vous finiriez Ils/Elles finiraient Conjugate 3 of these verbs following the same pattern as finir: bâtir - to build choisir – to choose établir - to establish (J’ in the “I” form) grossir - to gain weight, get fat guérir - to cure, heal, recover maigrir - to lose weight, get thin nourrir - to feed, nourish punir – to punish réussir – to succeed

RE E.g. répondre to answer/respond Je répondrais Tu répondrais Il/Elle répondrait Nous répondrions Vous répondriez Ils/Elles répondraient Conjugate 3 of these verbs following the same pattern as répondre: entendre - to hear (J’ in the “I” form) pendre - to hang, suspend perdre - to lose prétendre - to claim rendre - to give back, return répandre - to spread, scatter vendre - to sell

AIDE-MÉMOIRE: FRENCH CONDITIONAL TENSE Subject + (space) + Stem AIDE-MÉMOIRE: FRENCH CONDITIONAL TENSE Subject + (space) + Stem* + Ending je/j’ + ais tu + ais il/elle/on + ait nous + ions vous + iez ils/elles + aient Je mangerais – I would eat Tu remplirais – You would fill Vous vendriez – You would sell *Stem = The Infinitive, except for –RE verbs where you must remove the –E first. Remember the irregulars too! .

Je copierais I would copy Elle voyagerait She would travel Now translate these verbs into French, remembering the important steps. Pause the video, complete the activity and then mark your work. If you get it wrong, correct your answer so you learn from your mistake. I would copy She would travel They (m) would punish We would lose You (s) would succeed He would wear Je copierais Elle voyagerait Ils puniraient Nous perdrions Tu réussirais Il porterait

The irregular verbs There are some very important irregular verbs that need to be considered. Can you guess which ones? They are the usual suspects: être, avoir, faire and aller. The good news is that the endings are still the same, so no need to worry too much. Once you know the stems, you just need to apply all your wonderful knowledge. Être – ser Avoir – aur Faire – fer Aller – ir PLUS THESE COMMON VERBS To have to (must) - Devoir – devr To be able to (can) - Pouvoir – pourr To know - Savoir - saur

I would go He would do/make We would be able to You (p) would have to Now translate these verbs into French, remembering the important steps and the fact that these are all irregular! Pause the video, complete the activity and then mark your work. If you get it wrong, correct your answer so you learn from your mistake. I would go He would do/make We would be able to You (p) would have to I would be They would have J’irais Il ferait Nous pourrions Vous devriez Je serais Ils/Elles auraient

To learn how to form regular and irregular conditional tense verbs. FRENCH VERBS: CONDITIONAL TENSE Who is doing the verb? Which subject pronoun do I need? What do I need to do to create the stem for the verb? What are the correct endings that need to be added? AIMS: To learn how to recognise regular and irregular conditional tense verbs. To learn how to form regular and irregular conditional tense verbs.