E MPLOYMENT OPTIONS FOR YEARS 2 & 3 The HRM and Industrial Relations teaching group offer 6 modules: 3 second year options 4 final year options.


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Presentation transcript:

E MPLOYMENT OPTIONS FOR YEARS 2 & 3 The HRM and Industrial Relations teaching group offer 6 modules: 3 second year options 4 final year options

YEAR 2 E MPLOYMENT R ELATIONS S TEPHEN M USTCHIN & ANNE MCBRIDE 10 credits, Semester 1 Weekly 2-hour lecture and a 1-hour seminar Learning objectives: To understand the challenges of managing the employment relationship by: identifying and examining factors which shape the employment relationship (e.g trade union and management practices, the role of the state, regulation, pay determination and collective bargaining, conflict, labour markets and vulnerable employment) critically assessing policies and practices of key ‘actors’ in the employment relationship (management, trade unions and the state) identifying and assessing trends in employment relations (e.g labour market trends, union influence, work reorganisation and management practices) Assessment 2,500 word essay

YEAR 2 GLOBALISATION & EMPLOYMENT A RJAN K EIZER, D AMIAN G RIMSHAW AND STEFANIA MARINO 10 credits, Semester 2 10 x 1.5 hour lecture plus weekly seminar 25% coursework (group presentation and individual assignment) plus 75% exam Introduces students to key employment issues arising from the internationalisation of economy, society and labour markets The weakened role of the nation state? Global production networks Offshoring of jobs Labour migration Regulating labour in a global world

YEAR 2 S OCIAL DIVERSITY AND EMPLOYMENT INEQUALITY ISABEL TAVORA & STEFANIA MARINO 10 credits, Semester 2 10 x 1.5 hour lecture plus weekly seminar Assessment: 100% 2,000 word essay Explores different forms and sources of labour market inequality and disadvantage at work – and how to address them Gender, employment and the family: women’s choice or social constraints limiting women’s career opportunities? Ethnicity, migration and multiple disadvantage Precarious work as a source of inequality Employment polarisation in the service economy: knowledge-based occupations versus customer service and low skilled work High pay, social advantage and class

F INAL YEAR COMPARATIVE INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS STEPHEN MUSTCHIN & STEFANIA MARINO 20 credits, semester one and five weeks of semester two Weekly two-hour lecture and a single one hour seminar. Central objectives: to identify and explain national differences in industrial relations practices; to examine the development of industrial relations practices that originate at the level of the European Union. Covers: Britain, Germany, Sweden, France and Hungary. Assessment: a single essay of 4,000 words delivered in late March.

F INAL YEAR H UMAN R ESOURCE M ANAGEMENT BMAN32001 I SABEL T AVORA, J ILL R UBERY & GAIL HEBSON 20 credits Different facets of Human Resource Management Best practice HRM, Best fit and resource-based view Recruitment and selection, training and development, careers, pay and performance management International differences in HRM and the role of MNCs Employee voice HRM in service work, emotional labour, knowledge work HRM in recession and recovery Work-life balance, equal opportunities and diversity management Essay - end of semester 1 (50% of mark). Exam - end of semester 2 (50% of mark). 2 hour lecture each week; 1 hour seminar per two weeks

F INAL YEAR GLOBALISATION & NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SYSTEMS D AMIAN G RIMSHAW &A RJAN K EIZER 10 credit course, first semester 2-hour lecture plus 1-hour seminar 25% 750-word essay plus 75% exam Key questions: What are the different characteristics of national models of employment? How do finance, welfare and employment regulations shape employment Is there ‘one best way’ or divergence of employment models? Content: The influence of production systems and corporate governance on employment in different country contexts Welfare regimes, family and gender Skill systems, inequality Balancing flexibility and regulation

FINAL YEAR I NTERNATIONAL HRM (IHRM), BMAN STEFANIA MARINO & M IGUEL M ARTINEZ L UCIO Semester 2, 10 credit course Examines the issues and challenges associated with the internationalisation of organisations and the resulting HR strategies, policies and practices Focuses on functions (recruitment, selection, development and compensation in MNCs ), HQ-Subsidiary relations, managing international assignments, international management development, issues of diversity management, global corporate social responsibility. Explains the developments in the international regulatory environment 100% examination assessment