LHC ~E -2.7 ~E -3 ankle 1 part km -2 yr -1 knee 1 part m -2 yr -1 T. Gaisser 2005 Nature accelerates particles 10 7 times the energy of LHC! where?how? cosmic rays
flux of extra-galactic cosmic rays ankle one eV particle per km squared per sec per sr
flux = velocity x density :
Radiation Enveloping Black Hole p + -> n + + ~ cosmic ray + neutrino -> p + 0 ~ cosmic ray + gamma NEUTRINO BEAMS: HEAVEN & EARTH Neutrino Beams: Heaven & Earth
collapse of massive star produces a gamma ray burst highest energy particles
we know that : Black holes accelerate electrons: seen as synchrotron photons Black holes accelerate protons: seen as cosmic rays Black holes are surrounded by radiation fields and gases cosmic beam dumps exist cosmic ray puzzle: where is the black hole ?
Waxman-Bahcall Flux in + decay oscillations
detection method lattice of light sensors
events per km 2 year:
gamma ray bursts sources are transparent
Hillas formula