X-ray Optical microwave Cosmology at KIPAC. The Survey 5000 square degrees (overlap with SPT and VISTA) Five-band (grizY) + VISTA (JHK) photometry to.


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Presentation transcript:

X-ray Optical microwave Cosmology at KIPAC

The Survey 5000 square degrees (overlap with SPT and VISTA) Five-band (grizY) + VISTA (JHK) photometry to z = 1.5 Shapes and photo-z for 300 million galaxies Over 250,000 galaxy clusters Well-measured light curves for 2500 Type 1a supernovae DES Cosmology … complimentary probes in a single catalog … Galaxy Clusters Gravitational Lensing Large Scale Structure and BAO Type Ia Supernovae The Instrument at CTIO DECam 570 megapix camera Upgraded Blanco 4m telescope Dark Energy Survey (DES)

4 Fornax Cluster DES First light

NGC1365 in Fornax

DES First Light 47 Tuc (Globular Cluster)

Giga-parsec N-Body Simulation SDSS Galaxy Data DES simulated galaxy catalog … The “Stanford Mocks” (Wechsler) Cosmology with Galaxy Clusters Cluster finding and characterization Calibrations of mass proxies Dark matter halos and mass functions Spatial distributions and primordial non-Gaussianity Mock Galaxy Cluster Top: cluster finder result Bottom: line-of-sight complexity in mass determination

DES at KIPAC Faculty Members Burke: Photometric Calibrations, Galaxy Clusters, NonGaussianity Roodman: Active Optics System, Image Quality, Galaxy Clusters & Lensing Schindler: All Sky Camera Wechsler: N-body & Galaxy Simulations, Galaxy Clusters, Dwarf Galaxies and more Several Rotations available this year: Commissioning First survey season Simulations Well situated for thesis work over next five years All-Sky camera on the mountain at CTIO (Lewis/Schindler) Weak lensing – shape and magnification Galaxy clusters – mass calibrations and distributions Theory and simulation – galaxies and clusters

will image half the sky every 3 days (first light 2020) lots of diverse applications: dark matter, dark energy, milky way structure, galaxy formation, solar system, optical transients Kahn: project lead at SLAC, PI for LSST camera Burke, Schindler, Burchat, Wechsler, Roodman, Allen lensing (Kahn, Burchat) hardware (Kahn, Roodman, Schindler) LSS, clusters (Allen), galaxies LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration

Simionescu et al. 2011, Science 331, 1576 Project 1: the `virialization’ of galaxy clusters Allen group: (xoc.stanford.edu) Understanding the formation of the largest-scale structures `as it happens’ and their equilibrium configurations (X-ray, optical, mm, radio)  astrophysics and cosmology. The Perseus Cluster (z=0.02)

Using rare collisions of massive galaxy clusters (X-ray, gravitational lensing, optical, mm) to probe astrophysics and the nature of dark matter. Using statistical measurements of clusters to probe dark energy (Allen et al 2011, ARA&A, 49, 409). Project 2: cosmic collisions and the dark universe Allen group: (xoc.stanford.edu) MACSJ (z=0.59) Red: Baryons (X-ray emission) Blue: Dark Matter (lensing)

Roger Blandford - Cosmology Gravitational lensing in an inhomogeneous universe –Using large numerical simulations to learn how to perform precision cosmological measurements Behavior of stars as they orbit massive black holes –There could be systems of stars orbiting holes like planets orbiting stars Assembly of massive black holes –What are the physical processes that govern the evolution of black hole mass and spin in the nuclei of galaxies and how do they relate to observations Heating of intergalactic gas –It looks like rich galaxy clusters are surrounded by strong shocks. Are these the sources of ultra high energy cosmic rays?

Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization EB Kuo Group: BICEP1/BICEP2/Keck/POLAR-1/POLAR South Pole POLAR Array ~ 1 rotation student 50 detectors 250 detectors 1,000 detectors 2,000 detectors 20,000 detectors POLAR-1

Sarah Church’s Group (1-2 rotators F, W, Sp) A Range of Cosmological Science with Radio Telescopes: Inflation through polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation (QUIET II). Epoch of reionization through measurements of highly redshifted CO lines (large-format radio interferometer). Star formation history through molecular gas studies (Argus at the Green Bank Telescope). Rotators participate in design tasks, prototype fabrication and testing. In the longer term, thesis projects will include deployment, data taking and analysis. Visit our lab – Varian 203/204 or stop by my office – Varian 344 QUIET Phase I Credit: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Collaboration Argus Star formation in colliding galaxies QUIET I limits to B-modes