School Climate Strategies for Reducing Harassment & Bullying David Osher AMERICAN INSTITUTES For RESEARCH
Challenges Bullying and harassment are often a Piece of a larger Iceberg Bullying and harassment are Not the Only Problem that Schools Face Schools Have Limited Resources and Time School Staff often Lack the Capacity to Efficiently Prevent Bullying & Harassment Prevention and Social Support are often Marginalized
Opportunities We Have Good Models to Build Upon There are Common Risk and Protective Factors for Bullying and other problems There are Coomon factors that contribute to arasment We can address Multiple Problems through a Comprehensive Approach The are Academic and Social Returns on Comprehensive Investments We Know How to Build Capacity
Bottom Line A comprehensive whole-school approach can enhance the impact of bullying and harassment prevention, while realizing other outcomes that matter
Bottom Line : The Approach Should Create Strong Conditions for Learning and Development Build Student and Staff Social and Emotional Competencies Build a School Capacity Be Intentional, Monitored, and Continuously Improved Align All School Activities Be end-user driven Include Universal, Selective, and Intensive Interventions
You Need it All The Four Elements of a Comprehensive Plan for Safe, Supportive and Successful Schools A Caring School Community Social Emotional Learning Positive Behavioral Approaches Academic Engagement & Support
Impact of Violence & Bullying Affect the extent to which people are: angry, anxious, depressed, fearful, frustrated, upset, traumatized, worried, sad, and otherwise distressed (e.g., Nansel et al., 2001; Flannery, 2006)
Bullying Remains Pervasive in the U.S. Data Source: Indicators of School Crime and Safety 2009. Table 11.2
Rivers, I. , Poteat, V. P. , Noret, N. , Ashurt, N. (2009) Rivers, I., Poteat, V.P., Noret, N., Ashurt, N. (2009). Observing Bullying at School: The Mental Health Implication of Witness Status. School Psychology Quarterly. 24:4, 211-223.
School Bullying 2007: National Crime and Victimization Survey
Some Success, But Nothing to Write Home About Campbell Collaboration Meta-analysis of 44 program evaluations (Farrington & Ttofi, 2010) Overall programs are effective Bullying decreased by 20-23% Victimization decreased by 17-20% Programs worked better: In Norway With older children
Harassment Role of Prejudice Racism Gender Bias Religious Bias Gay Hating Sexism and Heterosexism Religious Bias Ethnocentrism Disability Related Bias Stigma The “R Word” Mental Health
Harassment Implicit Bias Effects of Harassment Disentangling Bullying & Harassment
We Are Dealing With Learned & Socially Reinforced Behavior
There are School Effects: What are the odds that the top 18% of students with behavioral problems in 1st grade will be in the top 18% in 7th Grade? Kellam et al., 1998
PATHS Universal Intervention End of First Grade (1 Year of Intervention) Children who receive PATHS rate their classmates as significantly less aggressive than do children in randomized comparison classes Greenberg, et al., 1999
What Else Can Be Done In First Grade to Change These Trajectories Teacher-Student Relationship in First Grade CLASS Classroom Management and Social Learning The Good Behavior Game Classroom Communities Responsive Classroom Social Emotional Learning as Part of Violence Prevention PATHS Focus on Recess E.g. Playworks
Schools as Protective Factors and as Context that Build Resilience Connection Academic Success Learning Social and Emotional Competencies Positive Relationships with Adults and Peers Caring Interactions Inclusive Environments and/or Reinforcement of Pro-social attitudes and habits Stability Effective Services Positive approaches to disciplinary infractions &
An Example of What Can Be Done: North Lawndale College Preparatory School, Chicago “This is not about graduating from high school; it is about graduating from college” Money for counselors, not metal detectors and security staff One counselor stays with same students grades 9-13; another one follows up 14-16
An Example of What Can Be Done: North Lawndale College Preparatory School, Chicago Strong academic press; strong social support Supports academic risk taking: “teachers are like another set of parents” Development of moral community Fellow students “like brothers, sisters, cousins”
Climate & Conditions for Learning
Safe and Supportive Schools Model Safe and Supportive Schools Model of School Climate Safe and Supportive Schools Model Engagement Relationships Respect for Diversity School Participation Safety Emotional Safety Physical Safety Substance Use Environment Physical Environment Academic Environment Wellness Disciplinary Environment In late 2009, a team of leading climate scholars, policy makers and stakeholders were brought together to draft a proposed federal model. This model was designed to encourage states through the Safe and Supportive Schools Program to utilize comprehensive approaches to improving student safety and health. This approach incorporates many aspects of climate that experts generally agree should be included when defining and measuring climate 3 pillars – Those in the competitive preference would have all 3 Engagement – a) The quality of relationships, including respect for diversity, between students and their peers, staff and their peers, students and staff, and staff and families b) the level of participation and involvement by families, staff and students in school activity, c) school efforts to connect with the larger community Safety – the physical and emotional security of the school setting and school-related activities as perceived, experienced, and created by students, staff, communities, and the family. Environment – a) the physical and mental health supports offered to students, b)_ the physical plant of the school, c) the academic environment, and d) the fairness and adequacy of disciplinary procedures. Citation 51 Page 23
Social Emotional Conditions for Learning Students are supported & connected Meaningful connection to adults Strong bonds to school Positive peer relationships Effective and available support Students are socially capable Emotionally intelligent and culturally competent Responsible and persistent Cooperative team players Contribute to school and community Students are safe Physically safe Emotionally and socially safe Treated fairly and equitably School is safe and orderly Students are engaged & challenged High expectations Strong personal motivation School is connected to life goals Rigorous academic opportunities
Safe and Respectful Climate Emotional Safety Climate Of Mutual Respect And Trust Students Comfortable Taking Personal And Academic Risks
Support & Connectedness Adults Listen To Students, Care About Them And Treat Them Fairly Adults Provide A Welcoming Environment For Students
Student Support Students Support Each Other Teachers Establish A Connection With Students Teachers Provide Extra Help When Students Are Having Trouble Understanding Material Teachers Engage in Students In Learning
Students for Feel Connected are: Less Likely To Use Alcohol Or Substances Experience Less Emotional Distress Attempt Suicide Less Engage In Less Deviant And Violent Behavior School Connectedness The Only School-related Variable That Was Protective For Every Single Outcome National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (ADD Health)
Powerful Role of Connectedness in Moderating Effects of Victimization victimization predicted low self-concept and optimism only when girls reported low peer and adult connectedness. low connectedness with peers and with adults was significantly associated with lower self-concept and optimism, Noam, et al. 2012
Challenge & Engagement School Courses And Lessons Are Engaging School Staff Provide Academic Support To All Students
Academic Challenge Students Are Expected To Work Hard To Learn Students Are Interested In What They Are Learning Students Are Not Bored By Their Classes
Peer Social and Emotional Competency Work Well With Others Cooperate As Team Players Solve Problems With Persistence And Creativity Set And Work Toward Goals Make Responsible Decisions In Academic And Social Settings Recognize And Manage Emotions
Social and Emotional Competency Solve problems with persistence and creativity Set and work toward goals Make responsible decisions in academic and social settings Recognize and manage emotions
Peer Social and Emotional Competency Standard: Excellent Students report that most students in the school have good social skills, want to do well in school, and work well in teams. These students resolve conflicts peacefully, solve problems creatively, and think cheating is wrong. They do their best, even when their school work is difficult.
Supporting Conditions for Learning Connection Attachment Trust Care Respect Social Emotional Learning & Support Positive Behavioral Approaches & Supports Learning Supports Effective Pedagogy Engagement Motivation
Work at Three Levels Provide Individualized Intensive Supports Provide coordinated, intensive, sustained, culturally appropriate, child and family focused services and supports. Intervene Early & Provide Focused Youth Development Activities Implement strategies and provide supports that address risk factors and build protective factors for students at risk for severe academic or behavioral difficulties. Build a Schoolwide Foundation Universal prevention and youth development approaches, caring school climate, positive and proactive approach to discipline, personalized instruction, cultural competence, and strong family involvement.
Think Pyramid, Not Triangle
The Logic of Universal Intervention Cannot Identify All Who Are At Risk Children Affect Each Other No Stigma No Self-fulfilling Prophecies No Homogenous Grouping Per Child Cost Is Less Provides A Foundation All Universal Interventions
Social and Emotional Learning
Responsible decision-making Core Competencies Self-awareness Self-management Social Emotional Learning Responsible decision-making Social and emotional learning is the process for acquiring skills, knowledge and attitudes to recognize and manage emotions, demonstrate care and concern for others, establish positive relationships, make responsible decisions and handle challenging situations effectively. Research now clearly shows that SEL provides the foundation for improved social, health, behavioral and academic outcomes (more about that in a moment). Developing these skills is a lifelong process and therefore relevant to Pre-K – 12 and beyond. SEL helps children and adults develop the fundamental social and emotional skills needed for life effectiveness -- the skills we all need to handle ourselves, our relationships and our tasks effectively and ethically. SEL is an approach to education that promotes these competencies through two primary approaches or focuses: explicit classroom-based instruction of these skills, and the creation of safe, caring, well-managed learning environments where students feel safe, cared for and are engaged in learning. These same environments provide opportunities where these skills can be learned, practiced and reinforced throughout the day. Research indicates that these skills can be taught, and taught by teachers in schools of every type for students of every background. Social awareness Relationship skills 40
Students Who are Self-aware Accurately assess their feelings, interests, values, and strengths; and Maintain a well-grounded sense of self-confidence.
Students Who Self-manage Regulate their emotions to handle stress, control impulses, and persevere in overcoming obstacles; Set and monitor progress toward personal and academic goals; and Express emotions appropriately.
Students Who are Socially Aware Take the perspective of other and empathize with others; Recognize and appreciate individual and group similarities and differences; and Recognize and use family, school, and community resources.
Students Who Have Good Relationships Establish and maintain healthy and rewarding relationships based on cooperation; Resist inappropriate social pressure; Prevent, manage, and resolve interpersonal conflict; Seek help when needed.
Students Who Make Responsible Decisions Make decisions based on consideration of ethical standards, safety concerns, appropriate social norms, respect for others, and likely consequences of various actions; Apply decision-making skills to academic and social situations; and Contribute to the well-being of one’s school and community
Example: Evidence of Success with SEL 23% increase in social / emotional skills 9% improvement in attitudes about self, others, and school 9% improvement in prosocial behavior 9% reduction in problem behaviors 10% reduction in emotional distress 11% increase in standardized achievement test scores (math and reading) The most compelling findings come from a 2008 Meta-analysis (study of studies) conducted by CASEL and Loyola University. This review was the largest, most scientifically rigorous review of research ever done on interventions that promote the social and emotional development of students between the ages of 5 and 18. The results from the school-based study are based on 207 studies of programs involving 288,000 students from rural, suburban and urban areas. In this study, researchers used statistical techniques to summarize the findings across all the studies and found a broad range of benefits for students. Again we see that there is improvement in outcomes related to student attitudes, behaviors, and performance, as well as improvement in skills and emotional distress. 23% improvement in social and emotional skills, e.g., self-awareness, self-management, etc. 9% improvement in attitudes about self, others, and school, including higher academic motivation, stronger bonding with school and teachers, and more positive attitudes about school 9% improvement in prosocial school and classroom behavior, e.g., following classroom rules 9% decrease in conduct problems (behavior), such as classroom misbehavior and aggression 10% decrease in emotional distress, such as anxiety and depression 11 % improvement in academic performance, e.g. standardized achievement test scores There were also findings related to implementation. Students only achieved significant gains across all of the six outcome areas when: The program was implemented with fidelity to the program design. Teachers were the primary program deliverers. Programs were characterized as S.A.F.E. S- Sequenced set of activities that teach skills in a systematic way A- Active forms of learning, e.g. role play F- Focused attention on SEL, e.g. at least one component of the program was focused on SEL E- Explicit learning objectives related to specific social and emotional skills were included It is important to note that while SEL programs take time out of the school day, they do not detract from student academic performance. As these findings show, as academics were improving, so were feelings about self, other and school; classroom behavior; and emotional problems. Source: Durlak, J.A., Weissberg, R.P., Taylor, R.D., & Dymnicki, A.B. (In Press)Child Development The effects of school-based social and emotional learning: A meta-analytic review. 47
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