Myoungkee Ahn Hyung Jun Byun Travis Germain John Jones Mentor: Wishaya Piyasirisin
What are we trying to do? Develop a mash-up of existing voice communication apps and online multiplayer game (much like xbox live) Address the issues of lag and latency that can effect gameplay and communication software.
Communication One area that we noticed mobile phone games are lacking is the area of communication. The only system that exists is the text method which is slow and can distract from actual game play. Currently no voice communication app exists which allows you to talk to players in real time. 4
Ideal Gametypes Shooters Arcade MMORPGS Racing Strategy
Shooting Games
What does this all mean? Many online games already exist that provide real-time multiplayer experience but offer no way of communicating with other players. The games shown were rated in the top 10 of their respective marketplaces and continue to gain popularity.
Administrative approach Share files using drop box Communicating through Facebook Post researching Google docs 1 2 3
Timeline and roles
Research Creating survey for gathering data How apps affect battery life on phones Different voice/communication apps Popular multiplayer game for iPhone and Android What issues cause lag? would our app cause it? What type of apps work simultaneously with other apps How apps mash up or work together
Survey Questions Do you play games on mobile phones? What types of games do you play? How do you communicate with other players? Do you play games where communication is a key factor? On average, how often do you play game on mobile phone? What type of phone do you have/use? What type of network source do you prefer to use when you play games? Would real time communication better your mobile phone game experience? What type of game would you be interesting using real time communication?
Team final activities Poster YouTube Video Final paper Prototype
Our Website
References jpg jpg 4. es/PBT_howdoesitwork_02.jpg es/PBT_howdoesitwork_02.jpg