The Life Cycle of Giant Molecular Clouds Charlotte Christensen
Observational Constraints on The Life Cycle of Giant Molecular Clouds in Milky Way-like Galaxies Charlotte Christensen
Coming up Physical Background Lifecycle Formation Core Formation Protostar Formation Star Formation Dispersal Nagging Questions
Meet the Molecules
12 CO
Meet the Molecules 13 CO
Meet the Molecules NH 3
3 Phase Interstellar Media Hot Ionized Medium Warm Neutral/Ionized Medium Cold Neutral Medium
3 Phase Interstellar Media Hot Ionized Medium HII T K cm -3 Warm Neutral/Ionized Medium Cold Neutral Medium Haffner et al, 2003
3 Phase Interstellar Media Hot Ionized Media Warm Neutral/Ionized Media HII & HI T ,000K 0.01 cm -3 Cold Neutral Media MW 21cm radiation Dickey & Lockman, 1990
3 Phase Interstellar Media Hot Ionized Media Warm Neutral/Ionized Media Cold Neutral Media HI & H 2 T K cm -3 Dame et al, 2001 MW CO emission
Molecular Hydrogen Clouds Self-gravitating (rather than diffuse) H 2, molecules, and dust grains % of the gas mass Occupy > 1% of the volume Site of star formation Eagle Nebula HST
Size Scales Mass (M O )Size (pc) (cm -3 ) Superclouds / GMAs Giant Molecular Clouds Molecular Clouds Bok Globules Cores
Size Scales Mass (M O )Size (pc) (cm -3 ) Superclouds / GMAs Giant Molecular Clouds Molecular Clouds Bok Globules Cores
Some Timescales Crossing Time Time for a sound wave to propagate through c = 10 Myr Dynamical Time Time for a particle to free fall to center dyn = G -1/2 2 Myr “Dynamic” vs “Quasi-Static” Evolution
Support Assume Equilibrium Virial Theorem 2 T + W = 0 Kinetic Energy Potential Energy Jeans Mass:
Support Assume Equilibrium Outside Pressure 2(T - T 0 ) + W = 0 Potential Energy KE from External Pressure Kinetic Energy
Support Assume Equilibrium Turbulence vs Thermal KE 2(T + T P - T 0 ) + W = 0 Potential Energy KE from External Pressure Thermal KE Turbulent KE
Support Assume Equilibrium Magnetic Field 2(T + T P - T 0 ) + W + B = 0 Potential Energy KE from External Pressure Thermal KE Turbulent KE Mag. Enegry
Support Assume Equilibrium Magnetic Field 2(T + T P - T 0 ) + W + B = 0 Potential Energy KE from External Pressure Thermal KE Turbulent KE Mag. Enegry
Turbulent Support -- Source Internal Stellar Winds Bipolar Outflows HII External Density Waves Differential Rotation Supernovae Winds from Massive Stars
Turbulent Support -- Decay Close to a Kolmogrov Spectrum Cascade down to lower energies Large eddies form small eddies Small eddies dissipated through friction Timescale: 1 Myr
Magnetic Field Support -- Source Galactic Dynamo Seed Magnetic Field Differential Rotation Convection Throughout MW Seen in polarization and Zeeman splitting MPIfR Bonn NGC 6946
Magnetic Field Support -- Decay Ambipolar Diffusion -- Decoupling of charged and neutral particles Timescale: 10 Myr Depends on: Density Magnetic Flux Ionization Fraction
Life Cycle Cloud Formation Cloud Core Formation Protostar Collapse Stars Form Cloud Dispersal
Life Cycle Cloud Formation Cloud Core Formation Protostar Collapse Stars Form Cloud Dispersal
Theories Collisional build up of molecular clouds Growth time collisional time Quiescent growth of ambient H 2 Gravitational/magnetic instability Shock compression Spiral Arms Supernovae From HI of H 2 ?
w/ CO all HI Correlation with HI Filaments of HI around all GMCs Engargiola et al, 2003 M33 Density
Correlation with Spiral Arms M33 60% of H 2 in spiral arms Grand design spirals: > 90% (Nieten et al. 2006, Garcia-Burillo et al 1993) Rosolowsky et al, 2007
Age Limits = Myr Collisional build up of molecular clouds = 2000 Myr Quiescent growth of ambient H 2 H2 = 0.3 M O pc 2 = 100 Myr Engargiola et al, 2003 M33
Shocks Observation of a shocked GMA Tosaki, C 13 C M31
GMC Formation -- Conclusions Formed primarily from either HI or H 2 Compressed to self- gravitating clouds in spiral arms
Life Cycle Cloud Formation Cloud Core Formation Protostar Collapse Stars Form Cloud Dispersal
Cloud Core Formation GMC is supported by: Magnetic flux Turbulence Support is removed either Slowly by Ambipolar diffusion Fast by decay of turbulence and turbulence amplified diffusion Cores (regions 2-4 times ambient density) form at 10% efficiency Lagoon Nebula
Initial Conditions Cloud envelope is In non-equilibrium Magnetically subcritical (Cortes et al, 2005) Very inhomogenous Carina, HST
Observations of Cores Myers & Fuller, 1991
Observations of Cores Cores are: Non-isotropic More prolate than oblate Not necessarily aligned with the magnetic field (Glenn 1999) Prolate Oblate
Ratio of Clouds without Stars One last test of timescale: N NS /N T = NS / T Cloud Formation Cloud Core Formation Protostar Collapse Stars Form Cloud Dispersal
Ratio of Clouds without Stars Very few MW GMCs without SF 25% of GMCs in other galaxies have no associate HII regions (Blitz, 2006) Engargiola, et al 2003 M33 -- Distance between GMC and HII
Ratio of Clouds without Stars N NS /N T = NS / T 1/4 Dynamic Collapse Cloud Formation Cloud Core Formation Protostar Collapse Stars Form Cloud Dispersal
Life Cycle Cloud Formation Cloud Core Formation Protostar Collapse Stars Form Cloud Dispersal
Core Collapse to Protostar Overdensties collapse Collapse regulated by Turbulence Magnetic Field Fragmentation Protostar formation when core becomes opaque
Core Sizes &Densities Radius (pc) Lee et al, 1999 Enoch et al, 2008 Log Density
Protostar Formation Size
Magnetic Support Cores are (probably) supercritical, i.e. not supported by the magnetic field M/ B = c G -1/2 c 0.12 Crutcher, 1999 Critical
Turbulence Cores are turbulent Motions are Supersonic Turbulence from shocks or MHD waves Myers & Khersonsky, 1994
MHD Turbulence Dependent on Ionization Decays by *** Decay rate is still comparable to non- magnetic turbulence Speeds close to Alfven speed
Time Scales We have flow of material onto magnetically- unsupported cores Larger, more massive cores collapse to protostars How fast does this happen?
Time Scales -- Spiral Arm Offset
Tosaki, 2002 M51 13 CO 12 CO HH
Time Scales -- Spiral Arm Offset Difference between peaks 10 Myr Long delay of SF OR staggered SF Tosaki, 2002
Time Scales -- Statistcs Ratio of clouds without protostars: N NSC /N C = NSC / C Cloud Formation Cloud Core Formation Protostar Collapse Stars Form Cloud Dispersal
Time Scales -- Statistics Optically Selected MW Cores: N NSC /N C = 306/400 (Lee & Myers, 1999) Perseus, Serpens, & Ophiuchus: N NSC /N C = 108/200 (Enoch et al, 2008) 25% - 50% of core life before SF (Enoch et al, 2008)
Time Scales -- Statistics Lifetime of a protostar x 10 5 Myr Lifetime of a core x 10 6 Myr Cloud Formation Cloud Core Formation Protostar Collapse Stars Form Cloud Dispersal 0.5 Myr
Life Cycle Cloud Formation Cloud Core Formation Protostar Collapse Stars Form Cloud Dispersal
Stars Form Powered by gravitational energy Envelopes of accreting material T Tauri Stars Trifid, HST
Size Hatchel & Fullerl, 2008 Younger Protostar Older Protostar Starless Perseus Cores
Time Scale T Tauri Problem Most stars form within 3 Myr Palla & Stahler, 2000
Location Huff & Stahler, 2006
Time Scale Star formation lasts Myr Clouds gone after Myr Cloud Formation Cloud Core Formation Protostar Collapse Stars Form Cloud Dispersal Myr
Lifecycle Cloud Formation Cloud Core Formation Protostar Collapse Stars Form Cloud Dispersal
Clouds Dispersing Leisawitz, 1989
Proximity to New Stars Star clusters older than 10 Myr have no associated clouds Leisawitz, 1989
Cascading SF Dispersing clouds may spark SF elsewhere Hartmann M51, HST
Putting it all Together Cloud Core Formation Protostar Collapse Stars Form Cloud Dispersal Cloud Formation Cascading SF Myr
Nagging Questions Do clouds form from HI of H 2 ? How long before cores form? What effect does the magnetic field have on turbulence?
Thanks Tom Quinn, Fabio Governato, Julianne Dalcanton, Andrew Connely, Bruce Hevly Adrienne and David for making me dinner Everybody who came to my practice talk
Gas In-fall Onto Cores Lee, 2001
MHD Turbulence Padoan, 2004
Core Densities Enoch, 2008
Location Huff & Stahler, 2006
More Dispersal Jorgensen, 2007