Stratosphere-Troposphere Analyses of Regional Transport (START) Experiment Investigators: Laura Pan (PI, ACD/TIIMES) Ken Bowman (Texas A&M) Mel Shapiro (NOAA/NCAR M M M ) Bill Randel (ACD) Rushan Gao (NOAA) Teresa Campos (ACD/EOL) Chris Davis (MMM) Sue Schauffler (ACD) Frontal Cloud - flt Collaborators: Chris Barnet Jennifer Wei (NOAA/NESDIS Satellite data) Satellite data support : Sylvia Murphy (ACD)
Acknowledgments: Jorgen Jensen Al Schanot Al Cooper Jeff Stith Henry Boynton, Bob Maxson, Lowell Genzlinger and Ed Ringleman Rit Carbone Brian Ridley Enter the Rockies - FLT
Upper Troposphere & Lower Stratosphere - A region of coupled dynamics, chemistry and cloud microphysics
HIAPER Progressive Science Mission (22 November- 23 December, 2005) Daybreak before take off
NASA A-Train Satellites
Science Objectives Low pass of Rockies- Flt Characterize the dynamical structure of the extratropical tropopause in and around the subtropical jet Identify the chemical transition from the troposphere to stratosphere across the extratropical tropopause. Investigate the irreversible STE & mixing produced by multiple scale dynamical processes
AIRS Ozone on 250 hPa (in 1x1 degree average) May 15, 2004Monthly mean May, 2004
AIRS Ozone Cross Section (1x1 degree average) May 15, 2004, Lon=160 E
Tropospheric tracer Stratospheric tracer Stratosphere Troposphere Stratospheric tracer Tropospheric tracer Altitude TP Chemical Transition using Relative Altitude (RALT) and Tracer-Tracer Correlations (TTC) Tropopause or transition lyr
Example : NASA ER-2, POLARIS July 10, 1997 [Pan et al., 2004]
CO (z)CO (pv) CO (RALT) The “Relative Altitude Coordinates” (to locate the chemical transition between St-Tr) [Pan et al., 2004]
ER-2 data O 3 -H 2 O (POLARIS)
WACCM3 1.9x2.5 4x5 Model Evaluation
Four successful flights (7-9 hour each, out of 6 planned) Measurements: O 3, H 2 O, CO, in addition to meteorological parameters (and other possible tracers such as CN) Near real time satellite data via collaboration with AIRS science team Sampled several cases of stratospheric intrusion Obtained information on mixing and STE Valuable data for AIRS ozone validation START Experiment Highlights Meteor Crater - Flight
Status of Data and Data Analyses Ozone data became available during the experiment. Intercomparison with CMDL ozonesonde show excellent agreement. Initial analyses and comparison with satellite data, meteorological analyses data have been carried out Water vapor preliminary data became available ~ 2 weeks ago, further calibration in progress CO data is still under Q/C verification Trajectory analyses in progress
Ozone Validation with CMDL Ozonesonde
START Flight #2 (502RF )
Flight RF
START Flight #2 (RF )
Enhancement of Ozone at Lower Troposphere due to the Intrusion
START Flight #4 RF
START Flight # (502RF01)
Stratospheric Intrusion and the Separation of the Thermal and Dynamical Tropopause
O 3 (z) O 3 (RALT) H 2 O (z) H 2 O (RALT)
Summary Results from the START experiment Demonstrated the capability of HIAPER in UTLS studies Initial data provided good validation for the satellite retrievals Sampled multiple cases of stratospheric intrusions. Characterization of the air mass in the region of intrusion using tracer-tracer correlation and trajectory model is in progress
Thank You ! Shadows of Monument Valley - Flight