Subtracting Rational Numbers Essential Question: How do you subtract rational numbers? Unit 1-3
Subtracting Rational Numbers Vocabulary Difference- the answer to a subtraction problem
Subtracting To subtract a positive number move left on the number line. To subtract a negative number move right on the number line. Absolute numbers can never be negative.
Subtracting Subtraction is the opposite of adding, or adding the opposite, so change subtraction to adding the opposite
Rule to remember When you are subtracting: keep the first number, change the subtraction sign to addition, change the sign of the second number. K C C KEEP CHANGE CHANGE FOLLOW RULES FOR ADDITION OF RATIONAL NUMBERS
Subtracting To subtract a number add its opposite. p - q = p + (-q) 3 – 4 = 3 + (-4) Remember when adding two rational numbers with different signs find the difference of there absolute value. Then use the sign of the rational number with the greater value.
Subtracting How is subtracting rational numbers different from adding rational numbers?