TMNTSTMNTS Artists of the Renaissance
The Renaissance The renaissance was a time period between that was a culture movement called an “explosion of creativity” started in Italy that later spread to parts a Europe. The word renaissance means “rebirth” referring to the rebirth of art and learning
Leonardo The Last Supper (1498)— Convent of Sta. Maria delle Grazie, Milan, Italy. This painting represents Jesus Christ presenting his apostles with a “last meal”. It shows how people of this time were very passionate about their religion and it was an important part of their culture. Leonardo Da Vinci was a renowned artist of the renaissance period who was deeply interested in how things work. His sculptures, paintings and inventions were all in great detail and represented the new concept of realism. Florence, Italy where Leonardo Da Vinci lives in a city called Caterina
Michelangelo From 1508 to 1512 Michelangelo painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome. Many of the panels of this work show classical influences such as young children instead of angels. Also, like many artists of this time Michelangelo blended Greek and Christian ideals. Like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo Buonarroti excelled in many areas of study such as painting, sculpture, architecture, and poetry. He was greatly influenced by classical art and this aspect reflected in his heroic and forceful figures. He also explored the renaissance theme of human potential in his famous human body sculptures and paintings. Michelangelo was from Arezzo in Tuscany, Italy
Donatello In the statue David Donatello revived a classical form making it the first European sculpture of a large free-standing nude since ancient times. Donatello was a famous early Renaissance artist and sculptor from Florence Italy. He began to introduce the new techniques of carving natural postures and expressions. This made the works have more personality and appear more realistic to the viewer. He was also known for known for his work in basso rilievo, a form of shallow relief sculpture which lead to work in illusionism. Donatello was from Florence, Italy
Raphael School of Athens was one of the paintings that filled the walls of Pope Julius II’s library. It conveys the classical influence of the Renaissance by depicting classical and Renaissance figures together. Raphael Sanzio was younger than both Leonardo and Michelangelo so he was able to learn by studying their work. He was known for the perfection and grace of his drawings and paintings along with his famous frescoes and printmakings. Raphael was from a city called Urbino in Marche, Italy
TMNT Resources Leonardo Michelangelo Donatello Raphael Online World History Textbook