Summer Curtis Raven Jeffers Lataziun Lee
A stop sign is an octagonal sign which notifies a driver to come to a complete stop where indicated Stop signs also regulate flow of traffic and help to control speeds
Wrong way signs indicate that a driver is going the opposite way of which traffic flows Wrong way signs help to keep people on the correct sides of the road They also notify a driver of the correct flow of traffic
Speed limit signs show a driver the appointed speed of the current road that they are traveling Speed limit signs keep drivers speeds suited to the terrain that is upcoming on a certain road.
Dip signs indicate that there is a significant indention in the road ahead When seen a driver should consider slowing speed until past the obstacle
Deer crossing signs are more often spotted in rural areas These signs indicate that deer are often seen crossing the road here and drivers should consider slowing
These signs are generally in more urban areas, most commonly near a park or school Children at play signs urge motorists to slow down and be more aware of their surroundings to protect the children
Notifies motorists the direction of a hospital These signs can also indicate that a specific exit does posses a hospital
Inform motorists that a fuel station is ahead Also indicates that a specific exit possesses a fuel station
Notifies a driver that there is camping ahead These symbols can also be found on an interstate exit sign indicating that on that specific exit there is a place to camp