Pesticide and Fertilizer Management in the Republic of Moldova Aurora Garabagiu - National Bureau of Statistics Iulia Iordachi - Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry
Legal framework In statistic’s domain In the Republic of Moldova collection and processing of agri-environmental statistics is conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) NBS activity in Moldova is guided by the Law on Official Statistics Nr. 412 of and other legislative acts and conducts its work in accordance with the program of statistical and editorial work, annually approved by the Government In domain of plant protection products Law Nr. 119 of 22 June 2006, regarding products of phytosanitary use and fertilizers, is the ruling legislation on the use of phytosanitary and fertilizer products in/on food and feed of plant and animal origin. Government Decision Nr as of , regarding approval of the Regulation on import, storage, trade and use of fertilizers and products of phytosanitary use. Government Decision Nr. 897 of on approval of products of phytosanitary use and fertilizers utilized in the agriculture Government Decision Nr of on the approval of the state certification and testing of fertilizers and plant protection products used in agriculture and forestry
Responsible authorities in the domain of pesticide management National Bureau of Statistics Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry (National Agency Food Safety Agency) State center for attesting and approval of products of phytosanitary use and fertilizers State enterprise Centre of Quarantine, Identification, Expertize, Arbitrage and Disinfection of products
Main sources of data Economic entities' reports Quarter reports of the regional divisions of National Food Safety Agency Economic agents’ Registers on import, sales, storage and utilization of the products of phytosanitary use The database on export and import of the products of phytosanitary use and other plant protection products
The methodology of data collection(I) Organizing the collection of statistical information on the application of mineral and organic fertilizers is carried out taking into account the organizational and legal forms of economic agents and the size of business units : Big and middle size producers– through the collection of regular reporting; Small producers– using a sample observation method.
The methodology of data collection(II) Uses 2 types of questionnaires : - For large and medium-sized manufacturers - questionnaire "The use of plant protection products and the application of mineral and organic fertilizers" (annual); - For small producers - the questionnaire "Revenues and costs associated with agricultural activities of small producers" (quarterly).
Responsibilities of the National Food Safety Agency (I) In accordance with the law the surveillance of the phytosanitary products and fertilizers, imported and sold by businesses is being recorded in the register of imports, sales and storage of phytosanitary and fertilizer products, which is registered and sealed by the National Security Agency food products according to the approved form. Economic agents are obliged to present on a quarterly basis (by the 5th day of the first month of the quarter), the information on the import, sales (with the specification of the buyer) and stocks of phytosanitary products and fertilizers, from the register of import, sales and storage of phytosanitary products and fertilizers to the National Food Safety Agency The National Food Safety Agency summarizes the information coming from the economic agents regarding import and stocks of the phytosanitary products and fertilizers till the 15th of the first month of the quarter and present it to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry
Обязанности Национального агентства по безопасности пищевых продуктов(II) Business entities (regardless of the type of ownership and legal form) that are selling or/and using plant protection products and fertilizers, are required to keep their accounting and record data on their import, storage, sale, use and distribution, the amounts and periods of use in the special register of accounting. Monitoring of this accounts is carried out by the National Food Safety Agency, in accordance with the Register of import, sale and stocks of phytosanitary products and fertilizers registered and sealed by of the Agency. Business entities whose activities are connected with the application of phytosanitary products and fertilizers - producers, importers, dealers, distributors and users are required to submit information on these activities as requested to the territorial units of the National Food SafetyAgency, in a timely manner, with the obligation of these authorities to keep trade secrets.
The questionnaire for large and medium-sized producers The questionnaire for large and medium-sized producers includes the following indicators: - the amount of mineral fertilizers in terms of 100% of nutrients for crops on perennial crops, natural grasslands and pastures, including the following types - Nitrogen; - Phosphorus; - Potassium; - The quantity of organic pesticide use; - Fertilized area with mineral fertilizers; - Fertilized area with organic fertilizers.
The questionnaire for small producers The questionnaire for small producers has the following parameters : - The quantity of organic fertilizers used for crops and perennial plantations - The number of mineral fertilizers used for crops and perennial plantations, including the following types: - Nitrogen; - Phosphorus; - Potassium;
General Agricultural Census From 15 March to 15 April 2011 there was conducted the General Agricultural Census. In the questionnaire, the Census included a section "Plant protection products and fertilizers for the harvest of the agricultural year" which contained the following indicators The area treated with organic fertilizers; The area treated with mineral fertilizers; The quantity of used organic fertilizers (in real weight).
The calculation of the price index To calculate the index of the prices of fertilizers it is used data from a sample survey on the prices of industrial goods and services purchased by agricultural enterprises (annually). Information is collected by the means of two questionnaires: -From agricultural enterprises that purchase mineral fertilizers, - From companies that sell mineral fertilizers.
Key indicators included in the questionnaires 1.Purchased (sold) in bulk fertilizers by type (nitrogen, phosphate, potash and complex) 2. Purchase (sale) unit price for each type.
Publication of data Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Moldova; Statistical Yearbook "Natural Resources and Environment of the Republic of Moldova.“ Key indicators included in publications : Mineral and organic fertilizers used by agricultural enterprises in total (including the types), on average for 1 ha of planted area; Mineral and organic fertilizers used by agricultural enterprises on average for 1 ha of planted area by region.