1 The work within COMMUNITY FOUNDATIONS CF’s play the key role of connecting assets to needs CFs can help by grassroots knowledge to determine where money should be spent. Realize that more than just money is needed Bottom up approach is important (need to address the issue of hopelessness and/or apathy) Origin of community foundations related to participation → now more focused on poverty Articulate poverty as the unifying theme Make most of resources and community members (“big changes with small funds”) Connect business and grassroots CF needs to organize informal giving COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP Bring voices and participate in decision making esp. on resources distribution In communities of poverty, cultural and religious contexts must be understood and respected GRANTMAKING ENDOWMENT Address pockets of poverty in more affluent areas – CFs can do this Need mentors or advisors to marry the assets with the needs (connecting) What can community foundations do to alleviate poverty?
2 The work within COMMUNITY FOUNDATIONS Research is important to help bring evidence, influence policy level, and strengthen community RESEARCH AND KNOWLEDGE BUILDING Adequate research and collection is essential in prioritizing a community’s needs OTHER CFs can have role in giving voice to poor, but need research to provide evidence Don’t rely on official stats – they tell the story the government wants to tell. Context is hugely important to tactics/strategy – political/legal environments Poverty isn’t just about absolute assets but inequality which promotes sense of social injustice Need to help the media so they can build understanding about the role of civil society and philanthropy (media does not always understand or convey it correctly) How to draw out the “invisible” communities (uncounted in official statistics) [Further issue of how to draw out statistics that may show problems where official statistics show otherwise.] Research into the local context is critical in order for CFs to speak with authority (need data / repository of knowledge) What can community foundations do to alleviate poverty?
3 CROSS SECTOR Partnerships are important (NGO’s, government, companies) People in positions of power need to be engaged Increase the media’s understanding of civil society and philanthropy People expect government to solve problems MEDIA AND MARKETING GOVERNMENT BUILDING PARTNERSHIPS Need to tackle “blame culture” - and the perception that poor are undeserving COMMUNITY WIDE BEHAVIORS Young professionals are more open and active Anyone can help their community. Just need to be empowered. PERCEPTIONS It is easier for people to take action to address poverty outside their own society than inside it (which would affect own lives) People do not trust civil society or institutions It is key to have board members that have the ear of policymakers. What can community foundations do to alleviate poverty?