Types of systems in the Laplace domain
System order Most systems that we will be dealing with can be characterised as first or second order systems
Derivatives with respect to time Time derivatives have their own notation : and so on...
Differential equation Definition (DE, Order, ODE, System) A differential equation (DE) is an equation with derivatives in it. Its order is the highest order of the derivatives in it. If the derivative is with respect to only one variable, then it is an ordinary differential equation (ODE). Many DE all together are called a system of DEs.
Differential equation. Definition (Linear DE) An (O)DE is linear if it is a linear combination of the derivatives. Definition (Homogenous ODE) An ODE is homogenous if it involves solely the derivatives of a variable and the variable itself
Consider the motor A DC motor can be described as a first or second order system, the final differential equations relates the motor output (with respect to time) to the motor input (with respect to time).
DC Motor systems The DC motor can be described as first or second order systems depending on the complexity of the model. Generalized second order linear differential equation for a motor aw’’(t) + bw’(t) + cw(t) = V(t) -second order differential equation where a, b, c are determined from data pertaining to the motor under investigation and V is voltage and w is motor speed Generalized first order linear differential equation for a motor aw’(t) + bw(t) = V(t) -first order differential equation where a, b are determined from data pertaining to the motor under investigation and V is voltage and w is motor speed
Movement into the laplace domain For derivatives when we perform the laplace transform because the differential equations are easier to understand and use in the laplace domain. It is this reason that some motor manufacturers supply transfer function models of their motors within the laplace domain.
The Laplace transform properties & formulas linearity the inverse Laplace transform time scaling exponential scaling time delay derivative integral multiplication by t convolution
Laplace transform The signal is defined for t > 0 the Laplace transform of a signal (function) f is the function F = L(f) defined by F is a complex-valued function of complex numbers s is called the (complex) frequency variable, with units sec -1 ; t is called the time variable (in sec); st is unitless for now, we assume f contains no impulses at t = 0
derivatives The signal f is continuous at t = 0, then time-domain differentiation becomes multiplication by frequency variable s (as with phasors) plus a term that includes initial condition (i.e., -f(0)) higher-order derivatives: applying derivative formula twice yields similar formulas hold for
Solving the derivative equation In regards to the term on the previous slide, if we are to solve a first or second order differential equation we must have more information pertaining to the value of f(0) and f’(0) We call this information boundary conditions In the case of a motor with a step input. We assume the acceleration, velocity and initial position of motor rotor to be zero at t=0. Making this assumption makes life very easy and our equations in the laplace domain much simpler.
Integral let g be the running integral of a signal f, i.e., then
Laplace Transform and solutions for Differential equations Laplace Transform can be used for solving differential equations by converting the differential equation to an algebraic equation and is particularly suited for differential equations with initial conditions. The solution requires the use of the Laplace of the derivative
Solving a first order ODE
Solving a second order ODE
Model of a motor Ibrahim pp 42-44