D-Day Battle Lesson Military History Alex Azeez Click here to begin!here
Target Audience 10 th -12 th grade Military History students Group of highly motivated students Middle to upper class families in a large suburban area Students are preparing for an upcoming test over D-Day in World War II Next
Learning Environment This will be completed during class time using the computers from the portable computer lab cart. Students will work individually in a quiet classroom with no distractions. Headphones will be provided to limit classroom noise Next
Objective #1 Given a PowerPoint presentation, students will be able to identify which commander fought for which side and their overall role in the battle with 95% accuracy. Next
Objective #2 Given a PowerPoint presentation students will be able to explain the strategies of the battle from the American and German point of view, with 95% accuracy. Next
Objective #3 Given a PowerPoint presentation, students will be able to describe the results and effects of the battle with 95% accuracy. Next
Orientation These buttons will help you navigate this presentation. NextBack This button will take you to the next slide This button will take you to the previous slide This button will take you to the main menu
Orientation This presentation is going to help you better understand the D-Day battle from World War II, and help you do well on your upcoming exam! Pay attention to the commanders from the battle and the results of the battle. Good Luck! Next
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COMMANDERS AmerIcanAmerIcan GeRManGeRMan
Commanded : Supreme commander of all American Troops at the Normandy beach landings Overall Role : Oversaw operations, gave troops instruction once they were landed on the beach Dwight D. Eisenhower BackNext
Commanded : Lt. General of American troops, specifically 1 st US Army Overall Role : Commanded the troops landing on Omaha Beach. Troops drove the Germans inland, supported by naval gunfire. Omar Bradley Next Back
Commanded : Leader of the German Nazi Party Overall Role : Did not give approval for a counterattack; he was sleeping. Mistrust within German high command slowed decision making Adolf Hitler Back Next
Commanded : Promoted to Commander in Chief of all German armies, second in command only to Hitler himself Overall role : He was supposed to be fortifying Nazi territory and prevent an allied invasion at Normandy, but instead he was celebrating his wife’s birthday back in Germany. Erwin Rommel BackNext
Practice Question #1 Which commander was promoted to commander in chief of all German Armies, also known as “Hitler’s second man”? A.A. Erwin Rommel B.B. Dwight. D Eisenhower C.C. Hitler D.D. Stalin E.E. None of the Above
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CORRECT! Head back to the main menu to learn about the American and German battle plans.
Battle Plans American Strategy German Strategy Click on the flags for more information
American Strategy To attack the Germans by surprise, landing on five different beaches in Normandy, France. Landed on beaches code-named “Omaha”, “Juno”, “Sword”, “Gold” and “Utah”. Pushed inland with thousands of troops, supported by naval gun power. NextBack
German Strategy Stop the allied attack and keep them as close to sea as possible Attempted to counterattack but Hitler did not approve the plan Germans thought the attack was going to take place at Caen, so they were unprepared and surprised by the attacks at Normandy Next Back
Practice Question #2 The Allies landed on 6 different beaches in Normandy France. A.A. True B.B. False
CORRECT! Head back to the main menu to learn about the Effects and Results of the battle.
Effects & Results Allies were successful and took over the Germans position in France German leadership completely fell apart, and even resulted in Rommel being forced to commit suicide Hitler ran and the Allies followed him to Berlin, where the war was eventually finished. NextBack
Effects & Results Video Next Back
Practice Question #3 Which was NOT a result of the D-Day battle? A.A. Allies took over German position in France B.B. Rommel was forced to commit suicide C. German Leadership got stronger C. D.D. Hitler ran to escape to Berlin E.E. None of the Above
Correct! Click here to move onto the next slide!here
Decision Time You have completed the first portion of the lesson! If you feel ready to take the quiz click here. here If you want to review the information first, go to the main menu and pick a section to review. Click the quiz button on the main menu when you’re ready for the test.
Question #1 Who were the main commanders of US forces? Eisenhower Rommel & Eisenhower Rommel & Bradley Bradley & Eisenhower None of the Above
Correct! Click here to move on to Question #2!here
Question #2 What beach did Omar Bradley’s troops land on? Utah Omaha Montana Sword None of the Above
Correct! Click here to move on to Question #3here
Question #3 Who were the two main commanders of German Forces? Bradley & Hitler Rommel & Bradley Eisenhower & Hitler Hitler & Rommel None of the Above
Correct! Click here to move on to Question #4!here
Question #4 Where was Rommel during the Normandy beach landings? Germany France Soviet Union United States None of the Above
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Question #5 Which was NOT an Allied beach name? Omaha Utah Sword Juno None of the Above
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Question #6 What supported the allied troops during the push inland? German Airpower British Airpower Naval Gunfire Soviet Gunfire None of the Above
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Question #7 Were the Germans surprised by the attacks at Normandy? True False
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Question #8 Why did the German counter attack never happen? Hitler never approved it They had no guns or tanks They didn’t have enough soldiers No one wanted to None of the Above
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Question #9 Who was forced to commit suicide after the allied victory? Bradley Rommel Hitler Eisenhower None of the Above
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Question #10 Where was Hitler chased after the allied invasions? Normandy Britain Moscow Berlin None of the Above
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