Pitch How “high or low” a sound seems to be. (Bass vs. Treble) High pitch = high frequency [
Pitch Average human can hear between 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz Most sensitive between 440 Hz and 7000 Hz
Pitch Doppler Effect The pitch of a sound changes as an object moves Click here for a visual of the Doppler Effect. [
Resonance Sound waves transfer energy to another object which causes the other object to vibrate too. Click here for demonstration videos Click here for resonance breaking glass videos.
Sound Interference Destructive – Sound waves cancel the amplitudes and decrease the loudness (amplitude) of the wave. Click here for a destructive interference video clip.
Sound Interference Constructive – Sound waves combine the amplitudes and increase the loudness of the wave.
Sound Interference Beats are formed when the two sound waves have slightly different frequencies. [ Click here for a Beats Applet
A combination of doppler effect & constructive interference…