Introduction to Urban Beekeeping
Why Keep Bees? Interesting Hobby Pollination Sustainability Honey
Why Not Keep Bees? You will get stung There is work involved There is a learning curve Your neighbor may not understand
Things to Think About Beekeeping Regulations Apiary Registration Time Commitment Expense Bees Equipment
Beekeeping Regulations Washington State – apiary registration Spokane County – unincorporated areas Airway Heights Cheney Deer Park Medical Lake Spokane City Spokane Valley
Time Commitment April Spring - Summer August - September Winter - Spring
Honeybees Kinds Italian Carniolan Delivery 3 lb. Package Nucs Hive Setup Where to get them Local Suppliers Miller’s Homestead Tate’s Honey Farm Swarms
Equipment Hives Hive bodies Supers Bottom Boards Telescoping and Inner Covers Queen Excluders Hats, Veils, Suits, Gloves Hive tool, Bee Brush Smoker
Resources Bee Associations Inland Empire Beekeepers West Plains Beekeepers Washington State Beekeepers Your Library The Web