Lumbermen’s Underwriting Alliance Contractor Hot Work Seminar
Introduction This seminar is intended to provide a general overview of safety measures in connection with hot work operations. It covers the safe work techniques to be followed by employees and contractors in order to prevent hazards associated with hot works.
Objectives Definition of hot work. Contractor safety requirements. Company Hot Work Program. The hot work permit. Employee training requirements. Hot Work losses. Questions.
Contractor Safety Requirement Before starting any hot work, contractors and their clients shall discuss the planned project entirely, including the type of hot work to be conducted and the hazards in the area. Management should ensure that the contractor has evidence of financial responsibility, which can take the form of an insurance certificate or other document attesting to coverage or responsibility. A contractor may have the technical expertise to perform hot work but is not likely to have a full understanding of fire prevention or of the specific combustible hazards within a client property. Additional safeguards to be considered include, but are not be limited to, how the hot work should be isolated to prevent fire hazards; who will be assigned as the spark watcher for the hot work operations; the facility emergency notification procedures; available manual fire fighting tools (like portable fire extinguishers and small hose stations); identification of all areas where hot work is not allowed; connecting hot work equipment to existing utility systems (gas or electricity); and review of any requirements for completion of hot work by a certain time each day.
Contractor Safety Requirement Hot work loss incidents involving contractors occur with regular frequency. For many of these incidents, facility management has not implemented a process for managing the fire hazards associated with the proposed contract work activity, it views the contractor's personnel as recognized subject matter experts, and is either ignorant of potential fire hazards with the planned contract activity or presumes the contractor is expert in all associated safety regulations and requirements and the he will address hazards accordingly.
Definition of Hot Work Hot Work is any work using open flames or sources of heat that could ignite materials in the work area. Examples of hot work are: welding burning brazing propane soldering oxyacetylene cutting grinding ferrous metals
Company Hot Work Program A company Hot Work Program shall include the following: A documented contractor Hot Work policy, The use of hot work permits, Training of all employees involved with contractor that perform Hot Work.
Hot Work Permit Hot Work Permits are required for any temporary operation involving open flames or producing heat and/or sparks. This includes, but is not limited to: Brazing, Cutting, Grinding, Soldering, Thawing of pipes, Torch Applied Roofing and Welding.
Hot Work Permit The Hot Work Permit is divided in two parts. Part 1 is the white cover sheet and Part 2 is the orange copy.
Hot Work Permit Part 1 On the left side of the permit you have the following; Fire Safety Supervisor Instructions, Hot Work being done by, Location/building, and Authorization to perform Hot Work.
Hot Work Permit Part 1 On the right side of the permit you have the following; Actions to be taken; BEFORE HOT WORK DURING HOT WORK AFTER HOT WORK OTHER PRECAUTION TAKEN
Anything that can burn must be removed from the immediate work area. Hot Work Permit - Part 1 BEFORE HOT WORK Sprinklers, hose streams and extinguishers in service. Hot work equipment in good condition. Floors swept and work area clear of all combustibles within a radius of 35 feet (11 m). Combustibles that cannot be moved are covered with fire retardant tarpaulins or shielded by non-combustible materials. Combustibles on other side of walls, ceiling or roofs are cleared away. Conveyors and suction systems in the area are shut down. All wall floor openings shielded. Fire resistive tarpaulins suspended beneath overhead work. Area wet down except when arc welding. Containers purged of flammable liquids/vapors. Pressurized vessels, piping and equipment removed from service, isolated and vented. Anything that can burn must be removed from the immediate work area.
Hot Work Permit - Part 1 Patrol hot work area for 5 hours DURING HOT WORK Post Permit. Trained spark watcher(s) stationed on site, adjacent areas and lower levels with fire fighting equipment. Spark watch will be provided during hot work and for 60 minutes after, including coffee or lunch breaks. Patrol hot work area for 5 hours
OTHER PRECAUTION TAKEN Hot Work Permit - Part 1 AFTER HOT WORK Area thoroughly wet down. Exposed lower level(s) thoroughly wet down. Patrol hot work area for 5 hours after job is completed. If applicable, notify watchman of location where hot work was done as well as exposed lower level(s). Keep permit posted where work was performed. Equipment stored properly. OTHER PRECAUTION TAKEN Patrol hot work area for 5 hours
Hot Work Permit Part 2 In addition from Part 1 you have the following; Spark Watcher Sign off, and Final Check-up
Employee Training Requirements Every supervisors and employees involved with contractors conducting Hot Work shall be trained before being involved with Hot Work. They shall be trained on their Contractor Company Hot work program which includes the following: Understand the Contractor policy, Understand the use of the Hot Work Permit, Understand de precautions to be taken.
Hot Work Fire January 13, 2005 $1,385,000 Hot Work Fire
Hot Work Fire March 27, 2006 $3,730,000
Hot Work Fire March 28, 2006 $3,730,000 Hot Work Fire March 28, 2006 $3,730,000
Hot Work Fire January 26, 2007 $200,000
Hot Work Fire May 21, 2008 $ 6,500,000
Hot Work Fire March 8, 2007 $7,000,000
Hot Work Fire November 9, 2008 $3,500,000
Hot Work Fire January 1, 2009 $9,000,000
Hot Work Fire June 21, 2010 $9,000,000
Hot Work material available