ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN IN ADVANCING THE WORK ON “GOOD AND BEST PRACTICES” IN POLICIES AND MEASURES AMONG PARTIES INCLUDED IN ANNEX I TO THE CONVENTION Katia Simeonova Programme Officer UNFCCC secretariat Pre-sessional Consultations on “Good Practices” in Policies and Measures 21 October, 2002, New Delhi, India
2 Outline of the presentation Decision 8/CP.4 as a basis for the work on “good and best practices” in PaMs Report by the secretariat on “best practices” in PaMs and the report from the first Copenhagen workshop Decision 13/CP.7 Report from the second workshop in Copenhagen Recent documents prepared in response to decision 13/CP.7 and conclusions of SBSTA 15
3 Decision 8/CP.4 Among the tasks assigned to the COP/MOP1 or as soon as practicable thereafter: PaMs issue Consideration of ways to facilitate cooperation to enhance the individual and combined effectiveness of policies and measure under Article 2.1(b) Requested the secretariat to: - Prepare a report on “best practices” in policies and measures based on the NC and their reviews and additional information submitted by the Parties Organize a workshop to assess “best practices” and report to COP 6.
4 Report by the secretariat on “best practices” in PaMs and the first Copenhagen workshop The first workshop in Copenhagen: April 2000, supported by Denmark and France Agenda was prepared based on the conclusions of the secretariat’s report on “best practices” in PaMs and Parties submissions The workshop agenda covered: national programmes and cross-cutting issues; sector-specific PaMs: energy related (energy supply, transport, industry, residential and households) and non-energy related PaMs use of energy and environmental indicators, and methodological and institutional aspects
5 Main issues coming out from the first Copenhagen workshop The concepts of “best and good practices” in PaMs and the role of the national circumstances in defining them Criteria used to select, monitor and evaluate “best or good practices” The use of indicators and policy specific evaluation methodologies for selecting, monitoring and evaluating of these practices Steps taken by non-Annex I Parties in addressing CC Examples of “best and good practices” in PaMs Consensus on the importance to continues the sharing of experience and exchange of information
6 Decision 13/CP.7 Recognizes the role of PaMs in achieving the objectives of the UNFCCC and the KP, and the values of information exchange Decided to continue to facilitate the co-operation among Annex I Parties pursuant to Article 2.1(b) Establishes clear goals to contribute to the improvement of transparency, effectiveness and comparability of PaMs. Work should contribute to the reporting on demonstrable progress
7 Decision 13/CP.7 (continued) Requests: –the secretariat toto support the PaMs work by organizaing workshops and side events in collaboration with international and intergovernmental organizations –the secretariat to make available information on PaMs from the NC3 –SBSTA 17 to consider the results from decision 13/CP.7 and to report them to the COP with a view to considering any further action Request to organize next workshop on PaMs
8 Main issues coming out from the second Copenhagen workshop The second workshop in Copenhagen: 8-9 October 2001, supported by Denmark and Norway Broad agreement on the importance to continue the work on PaMs and that it could serve as an avenue for co-operation among Parties Possible areas of future work: –methodological work on monitoring, assessment and evaluation of “good and best practices” in PaMs –work on more general issues, such as selection of the most effective mix of PaMs, approaches to involve stakeholders and ways to minimize the impact of response measures –sector specific work –work to be done in co-operation with other organizations, including IPCC, e.g. inventory of national and international experience in PaMs
9 Recent activities by the secretariat PaMs report based on the information on PaMs reported by Annex I Parties in their NC3 prepared pursuant to conclusions of SBSTA 15 (FCCC/SBSTA/2002/INF.13) Printout of the database information on PaMs from NC3 Elements of the NC3 of Annex I Parties on PaMs Submissions by Parties (FCCC/SBSTA/2002/MISC.19) Submissions from international and intergovernmental organizations (FCCC/WEB/2002/11) WEB based page on “good practices” in PaMs