I NTRODUCTION Hello there! My name is Flat Stanley! Were you a student in the classroom that just read about me? Just in case you don’t remember, I became flat when a bulletin board fell on me! Remember now? I am getting ready to go on vacation and I need a little help! I can fit in an envelope, and I would really like to visit all seven continents on our globe. Can you help me plan my trip?
T ASK Flat Stanley needs your help! You will be working in partners to help plan his vacation. Remember, Stanley would like to visit one place on each of the seven continents. Move through the classroom and find your partner. They will have a keychain that matches yours! You will have taken this keychain from the basket on your way in from lunch! After you find a place for Stanley to visit on each continent, decide why it is such a neat place for him to go! Record the place and ideas on your record sheet: Record SheetRecord Sheet
P ROCESS Step 1: In order to help Stanley plan the best vacation, we should explore the continents a little more! Explore the ContinentsExplore the Continents Step 2: Find facts and choose your seven different places. Record them on your record sheet. Be sure to write down:Find facts The continent The name of the place An interesting fact about the place The flag Step 3: Watch this video to help remind you what to include in a story. Then, together with your partner, create a story telling us the different places and things Flat Stanley did on the vacation you planned for him!video
E VALUATION You will be being graded on the following things: Your choosing of all 7 places (one on each continent) Your information for each of the seven places on your record sheet You need: The continent The name of the place An interesting fact about the place The flag Your story about Flat Stanley and his travels You need: All seven places he visited What he did there (the information from your record sheet) How you worked in a team with your partner This is the rubric I will be using to grade Webquest work.rubric
I DEAS & S OURCES The idea to create a Webquest surrounding the topic of Maps (geography) and Flat Stanley originated after creating project one on maps and visiting with my nephew who is moving on to second grade. He brought up the Flat Stanley he made and sent to visit while I was living in Ypsilanti. I decided that it may be interesting to have students plan an entire vacation for Flat Stanley to incorporate Social Studies into the Language Arts lesson. While searching the internet for an extension to incorporate into the Webquest for step 3, I came across a neat Webquest that was already created and very similar to my own! I decided to incorporate their idea of creating a story about the travels into my own Webquest!Webquest Sources: Published Webquest Picture of Flat Stanley on Introduction Slide: Google Images Websites for information: Continents, FactsContinentsFacts